I'm making slow but satisfying progress on the cabled hat now; this is one completion of the pattern (it is difficult to get a photo that shows the cables with this dark yarn!):

I haven't had much time to spin, but this eight ounces of alpaca seems to be going faster than the previous two. Dare I hope
I'm getting faster?

The view from my (dirty) "spinning window" is colorful right now. To the right of "straight out" is our flowering cherry; its glowing foliage is also visible through the window above our front door. To the left of "straight out" is the Japanese maple in the island that I just love. The weather is changing; after several absolutely glorious days, today is cloudy and windy with rain on the way.

I took this photo from the deck. If you click to biggify you can see the golden maple leaves blowing in the wind against the backdrop of the dark green Douglasfir. Leaves falling down like rain, before the rain starts blowing like leaves?
That's it for now from . . .
The colors in your fourth image are to dye for. What a palette!!
Nice hat! The cables show up just fine really. Love the colors too. We're finally seeing some good color here in Ashland, but it is so very late this year. Snow on the way this weekend up in the mountains.
Love the cabled hat- what yarn is that? Looks nice and tweedy.
Thanks, Denise; that is my own homespun; a ply of brown llama, a ply of black (superwash, I think) and a thin strand of gold. I'm more than halfway through the pattern again; yay!
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