This evening we're driving to Auburn, WA, so I hope get in a couple hours of knitting in the car before it gets too dark. It's grand to have something productive to do on road trips, and yet still be able to interact with one's companions! I have a feeling it will be too crowded to knit in our little Honda on our way back on Sunday; in addition to Rick, Brian and me the car will be holding my mom and step-dad and all their luggage - and my mom is not known for packing light. We took one trip with them and my sister (pre-Brian) in a Lincoln Continental with the trunk full, a luggage rack on top, suitcases and boxes wedged in around us, AND we had to hold boxes and platters of food in our laps! (We started eating in self-defense; it's one of those family experiences my mom will never live down....)
While in the Auburn area, I'll get to visit Franna Pitt's EverRanch. She's been holding my fleeces that didn't sell at Shepherds Extravaganza for me, and I'll get a "lamb fix" while there. I can hardly wait!
That's it until after a busy weekend away from . . .

Have a great weekend - that sweater is going to be really handsome in that color :-)
Say "Hi" to Franna for us! T.
I love the BSJ although it's an EZ modular Tomten that's on the needles at the moment. I look forward to seeing the finished result.
As for your mum - I like her already, even if I've never met her. (",)
One more thing - I have nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award. Check my blog for more info - Tina
And when are you going to blog again so we see what's been going on with you, eh? ;-)
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