Sheep and spinning, food and flowers, served with a sprinkling of silliness and liquid sunshine. Everything but horses, but I have another blog for that subject. :-)

Browning and his hay hat.

Jenkins Aegean in Holly with burgundy Romney leftover from my Textiles class. Switched tools when I switched colors purely for aesthetics’ sake!
Laura stopped by for a short visit yesterday, and we made flan for lunch. Yum!

First decent photo I've gotten of a daffodil this year!
Oops, I just realized this post is missing LAMBS. How could I? What is WRONG with me?!? So I give you two little cuties:

No, they are not mine, but were sired by Boulderneigh Blackberry. Look at all that flashy chrome!!! Their mama is black with a barely visible blaze; Blackberry was born with a good-sized krunet that faded. Guess if I really wanted spots, I should have kept him! (Too late now; he was wethered for being too hard on the furniture.) That's him below in the background.

The sheep in front of him is little Birdie, Bart's twin out of Annabelle last year. What an irresistable face!

Bronwen moved with Birdie and Blackberry last year, and is now expecting her second lamb(s) (daughter Bonny is still here):

I don't know if Bronwen recognized me, but she was as friendly as could be when I visited them at their new home week before last. It's always reassuring to see sheep you have raised loved and well cared for in someone else's flock.
That's it for today from . . .

I got a nice warm, fuzzy feeling from this post. Thanks.
Oh, and can you please pass the flan? yummy
You'd better hurry over, Kelly; there's not much flan left!
Babies with coats, they are so cute. I can imagine you would have to change them a few times in the first year, as they get bigger. Thanks for sharing.
Adorably cute little black and white faces.
Birdie is perfectly adorable. And I am quite taken with Browning's hat. He wears it with such panache!
Flan for lunch??? That's awesome! :-D Beautiful sheepies.
Good morning! I don't visit the blogs anymore (including my own!) but just wanted to say hello and to let you know that Blanche is doing extremely well and is still pregnant, awaiting her lambs sired by Peyton. Peyton produced some horned, some scurred, and a few polleds last year in the 'working' flock - along with plenty of Gulmogets. Here's hope for that in the registered flock this year! Thinking of you....
Good morning Michelle! I don't visit the blogs anymore, especially my own, but wanted to say hello and let you know that Blanche is doing wonderful and waiting to give birth to her lambs sired by Peyton, my gulmoget. I will let you know what she has, ok? :-)
So good to hear from you, Suzanne! Can't wait to see what Blanche gives you this year; that first spotted baby she gave you was amazing!
Well, there was OTHER tasty food, too. :-)
Is it me or is that daff upside down? Okay, Miss M...stop messing with me now!
Love the yarn, it's beautiful.
It's YOU, Sandra! :-) I took a photo from in front and above; it's been so wet here I think the daff is just trying to keep the raindrops out of its cup!
Well Blanche is doing just wonderful! We are waiting for the shearer to return from his honeymoon in a few weeks, then we can get all that wool off the poor girls. Flutter just lambed with twin ewe lambs this evening, so here's hoping everyone will all lamb at the same time so that they have plenty of lambs to race with!
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