...the weather gave to us

thick fog, then some sun; glorious!

(Although Bramble still found some snow to eat.)
Apparently, it IS Spring again!

In fiber-related news, I finally finished up my students' weaving projects, except for fulling the top six (the owners of the bottom four want them left as is).

I also finished spinning up the orange Romney locks left over from class. Now to ply them, and start on the burgundy Romney. With the Textiles 101 stuff about done, maybe I'll have time to knit again!
That's it for today from . . .
I wish I had half the energy as the babies have! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Your yarn on the drop spindle looks fantastic, I am sooooooooo not good at using a drop spindle.
On the Fourth day of Spring I got 5 more Dorper Lambs.
You and that perfect spindle wrapping. I'd just leave the yarn that way and look at it like a work of art.
You're welcome, Sheila; you have a great weekend, too!
Thanks, Tombstone; I find them relaxing - and addicting!
I'll admit that's much of the appeal, Sara. The whole process is aesthetically pleasing - beautiful tool makes beautiful yarn, and contains it in a beautiful pattern. I DO enjoy just looking at it!
An update in mostly photos. Love it!
Oh, the card weaving came out great!
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