Monday, March 12, 2012

Bright spots

Those first two clumps of daffies starting to open (one at the front gate, one in the iris bed) are about it around here for now. :-/

Friday I started feeling rotten, joints achy and lungs tight. That continued and worsened Saturday, and by the time we got home from a meeting Saturday night I was sick enough that Rick sent me to bed and did chores by himself. Sunday morning I felt worse yet, and ended up staying in bed pretty much all day. It felt like a total waste of opportunity, because Brian had an eight-hour play date at a friend's Sunday and I had all kinds of plans for that time. But I guess having a quiet house in which to suffer was worth something, and certainly lying about all day made for an easier transition to Daylight Savings Time.

Today I felt better, but Brian woke up feeling puny. He seemed to snap out of it so we continued with our scheduled day, but by tonight he was feverish and achy and Rick seems to be coming down with the bug, too. On top of that, it is snowing - AGAIN.

That's it from the sick ward at . . .


Kim said...

Hope you all feel better soon and that spring will hurry to you.

Kelly said...

Awww, feel better my friends. Hugs and well wishes coming your way.

Tombstone Livestock said...

Get well soon, my daffy's have been blooming for several weeks now, but weather report says we will be having 4 or 5 storms coming, 'bout time, we have only had 4" of rain so far this year. Think Louisana got our total rainfall (12") yesterday, all in one day.