...the weather took from me

half of a favorite tree. :-(

That's right, this morning we awoke to even more snow, and while not a huge amount, there was enough enough weight (plus buds to hold it) to do some damage. I had an appointment this morning that would have been difficult to reschedule, so I said some fervent prayers and crept down the hill in my front-wheel drive car (no studs or chains). Hey, I've lived in the Midwest; I can handle it!
It's the other people that worry me. Now the snow is mostly melted, and starting tomorrow we are supposed to be back to normal temperatures for this time of year - upper 50s. It's been awhile since we've experienced "normal"!
That's it for today from . . .

Goodness Michelle, I totally appreciate your situation. We are at the other end of a similar disaster...much too much heat and no moisture. Be safe and let us all pray that these very odd climate changes will stabilize soon.
Oh, my, I hope that's the last you see! I need to get over to the other blog and see Larry sweat!
I'm just hoping we have a minimum number of over 100 degree days this summer, very minimum. Sorry for your tree, I had a Chinese Elm that took 5 years to get to be about 5 feet tall, cows got out one night and broke the top half right out of the middle. Think I need to find a faster growing tree to replace it with.
I feel your pain!
We're still having unbelievably WARM temperatures for this time of year. The grass is green and the trees are all budding out. I even planted some flowers today!
Although I'm not a big fan of winter, I'd MUCH rather have extra winter than extra summer! I really fear for all of you who are having no winter and early heat; that doesn't bode well for the rest of your year.
I just don't understand this weather. You have early spring snow and we have 80 degrees. It's supposed to go down to the 60s today. My favorite summer temperature is 70.
Bizarro weather. Which we could trade!
WISH. I think I typed which. Must have more coffee.
It's like the country is flipped topsy-turvy! We're supposed to back to 'normal' temps next week. It's cruel, after this summer-like weather. Glad you made it to/from your appt. okay - I always worry about the other guy, myself.
I'm afeared we're due for such a "surprise" before summer arrives. It's been in the 80's this month but there's sure to be a killing frost or snow yet to come.
Like you, it's the other drivers that worry me; I know I'm not too proud to drive slowly and carefully. -lol-
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