All Sunday night a stiff wind blew, and by yesterday morning it was positively howling. Twigs and branches were flying off the firs, and we lost power while I was doing morning chores. I cleared the main driveway of debris so it didn't get mashed into the muck, but you couldn't tell I'd done a thing by the time Brian and I left for his violin lesson. Fortunately, the power came back on before we left so I could take the shower I desperately needed. Before that, Brian and I took turns reading, and I spun more orange Romney locks on my Jenkins Lark.

Last night, the rain that arrived with the wind turned to snow. It's wet, sloppy stuff, but more keeps falling off and on - in between sun breaks. Weather-wise, this is certainly a weird, wild month!
That's it for now from . . .
Very strange! We've had 60-plus degrees with a combination of rain/sun. I keep waiting for winter to whack us again, but maybe we will luck out and have a nice long growing season! One can always hope.
I am loving this crazy 60 degree weather over my way! A whole week of this! Romney locks?! Good grief I have 2 bags of white Romney wool sitting a bedroom...what shall I do with it;)
I think we're getting whacked by YOUR winter, Susan! This is very unusual for the Pacific NW.
Why, SPIN it, dear Kristi, dear Kristi - just SPIN it! (Sung to "There's a hole in the bucket"; sorry, couldn't help it!) ;-)
Aw - I want some more snow!
I'd gladly send it to you if it were in my power to do so, Sara!
Sara can have the snow! I'll stick with this sunny and seventy degree weather we're having! (as long as it doesn't get any hotter!)
We've had it too, although not so unusual for springtime in the mountains.
Oh, but Nancy, it WILL get hotter. ;-)
You are having the March that we usually have in western NY. We are having sunny days with temps in the high fifties and low sixties, it's a nice change. Hopefully your weather gets back to normal; I'm waiting to see those babies race around the fields!
Those babies are desperate to get out and run around some more, Sheila (at least the big black one is), but right not they'd be soaked to the skin, chilled and miserable out there. :-(
It looks like you're getting the weather than we should be getting. Whadda year~
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