I'm really pleased with how all the fleeces look! Tomorrow I plan to photograph all the samples before mailing them off to be micron tested at Texas A&M. Shearing is two weeks from tomorrow, but Blake is ready to roo now - I pulled his sample from midside! His fleece is reserved by the person who bought his hoggett fleece, so I need to make sure she doesn't mind having it rooed instead of sheared, although I can't imagine why she would. No blunt cut ends, no second cuts, perfectly skirted - what's not to like?
Blake's roo-ability, on top of his soft, crimpy fleece, smooth-polled noggin, and mellow personality pretty much cement his place in my flock for now. Which means this fellow

Even though the day began with some snow flurries, it ended up being mostly sunny and beautiful. I'll leave you with some shots of lambs enjoying the sunshine.

One last thing. The box you can check to have follow-up comments emailed to you seems to have disappeared from almost all the blogs I follow. I really miss reading follow-up comments, and going back to repeatedly check all the blogs I comment on is just not possible. So I did some research and learned that if comments are "embedded," the box for follow-up comments should show up again. I changed my comment setting; me know if you can subscribe now!
If you want to do this in your own blog, it's in:
Settings -> Posts and comments -> Comment location
There, you can choose between: "Embedded", "Full Page", "Popup window" and "Hide".
Only the Embedded option allows readers to subscribe to the comments. I would love to be able to subscribe on your blog.
That's it for now from . . .

Ok, I think I have changed my settings ok. I see you are taunting me with cute lambs again :-) they are all so adorable
It's been so warm, mostly, and my sheep fleeces are looking like they'd like to roo as well. I'm calling my neighbor to ask if he can shear on the 31st. There are a couple of people who have volunteered...LOVE that word!...to help skirt and I'll feed all who are hungry...looking forward to a good day.
I'd love to have your feller but I'm out of the lambing bizness. I do, however, now have 10 calves in the pasture -grin-. I need to blog about that situation!
TEN SHEEP??? You trimmed feet on ten sheep ALL BY YOURSELF?! OUCH! I would think that your tennis elbow would flare up. How's your back? Be careful young lady ~ you can't afford to hurt yourself and be 'out of commission' for any length of time!
How nice to have that job done though...
I can't believe you did hoof trimming by yourself! I'm impressed.
A lot of work. What is roo-ability?
What stunning lambs and fleece. Do you have any of Whistle's fleece for sale Michelle?
congratulations on doing all 40 feet by yourself. Lambs are looking great.
My back was pretty sore last night, Nancy, but both back and elbow feel fine this morning. I DID take a break to ride Larry before doing the last two, so it wasn't all work and no play. :-)
Lori, rooing is how wool was harvested traditionally on Shetland. If "the rise," or a bit of weakness in the staple length before new growth starts, is pronounced, you can literally strip the wool off a sheep by hand, instead of having to use shears.
Jody, the gal who bought Bunker's fleece last year spoke for this year's clip as well, but I can put you next in line for it should she back out.
I have roo'd 4 sheep so far this spring, and I love it. I was hoping to do a couple more tonight, but it just poured buckets of rain on us here. sigh....
Thanks for the heads up on the comment section, I've changed the settings on my blog!
Thanks Michelle...I would definitely like it if she backs out.
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