I managed to snip fleece samples and get hooves trimmed on all ten adult sheep today, all by myself, thankyouverymuch. Of course, my right arm is practically useless now that my tennis elbow is all flared up, but at least those jobs are
I'm really pleased with how all the fleeces look! Tomorrow I plan to photograph all the samples before mailing them off to be micron tested at Texas A&M. Shearing is two weeks from tomorrow, but Blake is ready to roo now - I
pulled his sample from midside! His fleece is reserved by the person who bought his hoggett fleece, so I need to make sure she doesn't mind having it rooed instead of sheared, although I can't imagine why she would. No blunt cut ends, no second cuts, perfectly skirted - what's not to like?
Blake's roo-ability, on top of his soft, crimpy fleece, smooth-polled noggin, and mellow personality pretty much cement his place in my flock for now. Which means this fellow

needs to find a new home before fall, even though his fleece is even more impressive than Blake's. That's
Whistlestop Bunker, proven by son Bing to be Awt/Aa. Let me know if you're interested!
Even though the day began with some snow flurries, it ended up being mostly sunny and beautiful. I'll leave you with some shots of lambs enjoying the sunshine.

One last thing. The box you can check to have follow-up comments emailed to you seems to have disappeared from almost all the blogs I follow. I really miss reading follow-up comments, and going back to repeatedly check all the blogs I comment on is just not possible. So I did some research and learned that if comments are "embedded," the box for follow-up comments should show up again. I changed my comment setting; me know if you can subscribe now!
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That's it for now from . . .