Oh no! I hope it is just hiding in a pocket or something. Love your dahlias and your purple pudding yarn. Very nice. I know it's a pain but I am trying to enjoy the heat while we have it - it will be gone sooooo very soon.
Hope you find your camera! That would be awful..especially since you got it not to long ago, I think.. It's warm here in the 90s, but very comfortable after our hot miserable summer. Tammy
And thus you understand my "putting places." I wish I had a better name but they're the only places I permit myself to put down things and there are five. When I put down anything, it has to be in one of the five places - I'm tired of finding my things.
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Oh no! I hope it is just hiding in a pocket or something. Love your dahlias and your purple pudding yarn. Very nice. I know it's a pain but I am trying to enjoy the heat while we have it - it will be gone sooooo very soon.
Try a nice tall glass of ice tea under a shade tree and the thought that fall is a short time away, might help with the heat! Have a great week.
Hope you find your camera! That would be awful..especially since you got it not to long ago, I think.. It's warm here in the 90s, but very comfortable after our hot miserable summer.
And thus you understand my "putting places." I wish I had a better name but they're the only places I permit myself to put down things and there are five. When I put down anything, it has to be in one of the five places - I'm tired of finding my things.
I'd like to know who's bright idea it was to move on the hottest weekend of the year!! (mine, of course...).
Glad you found your camera!
oh no horror of horrors! I would rather loose my cell phone or car keys than my camera! good luck!!
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