The cases were also in a different location. There seems to be less of many things entered this year, from quilts to veggies to livestock. One thing there was more of was the display by Far West Hatchery, the source of our Speckled Sussex and latest two Easter Eggers. Last year was their first year at the State Fair and they were very popular. This year the display was doubled to include not only young chicks but hatching eggs, and three big Robbins incubators. Terry (the owner) said fair management wants to double their display space again for next year, because it draws a lot of people to the Jackman-Long building who otherwise wouldn't venture in. Interest in home flocks is booming - a sign of our times, I think.

Brian's main interest was the BMX track, free for those who bring their own bikes and helmets. He visited two or three times yesterday, and plans to ride there more tomorrow. Biggify the first two photos below; a grandpa was there with his grandson, giving the young dogs a run for their money!

I'll share more when I can!
That's it for today from . . .

Congrats on the red ribbons!
Yes, congratulations! It takes courage to enter something in a competion, then to ribbon is the icing on the cake! I think you are right about the interest in chickens - as well as backyard gardening, putting food by, all those things. When I did a spinning demo at our little fair here in Lex, the incubator right next to me was the hit of the evening - in several languages!
Is Rick the Vet at the State Fair this year? Do you think (in your free time :P) you will put in a Fall garden? I would think your climate perfect for it.
Thanks, Kim and Deb!
Deb, Rick is the horse show vet at the fair two days this year, same as last year. An interesting result of the bad economy is that fewer vets are working more days each at the fair this year. In the past, they had to ASK area vets to each take a day from their practices to cover a day at the fair. This year, only one vet is taking a single day; one vet is covering FIVE days! Apparently, the small daily stipend given is looking pretty attractive; business is slow for all horse vets.
We've never done a fall garden, as a lot of what we plant for a summer garden continues to produce until the first hard frost. We'd have to tear up some productive plants to work up much of an area for new plantings, especially since Rick dumped some big piles of composted manure in the vacant areas last Sunday when he had a rental tractor with a bucket.
Congrats on the ribbons!! Awesome knitting.
We noticed far fewer entries in our two local county fairs we attended in the last month... I think it's a sign of the times. At least there are still people like you and my sister, knitting and crocheting and making wonderful things with your hands! Good for you!
Oh! Now I want to go to the State Fair and see your knitted items on display! Congratulations!!
Sad to hear the displays are down in number.
Thanks Melanie, Mary Ann and Wanda! You know, there is no reason NOT to enter, at least in the Creative Living section. There's no cost, and it just adds to what the fair has to offer.
Congrats on the ribbons, but I must say.......those items were fabulous and certainly deserved blues.
Our local knitting group rallied the troops for entering items this year and the fair was completely unprepared for that much stuff. It was kind of funny.
Congrats! I love that hat. Entries at the Ky State Fair were lighter this year - at least in the handspun and weaving divisions.
That's great news, congrats on your ribbons!
That's great news, congrats on your ribbons!
I love your hat. Ask Laura to show you some of her designs. She taught me to Navajo ply and to knit hats.
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