Yesterday Rick couldn't drop Brian off for his swimming lesson, so I took him. Took my knitting, of course, but when I pulled it out of my bag I ripped out the provisional cast-on place-holder! Lacking a needle, I managed to rethread it with a crochet hook, but got an incorrect stitch count so set it aside to deal with later. Gave my full attention to watching my boy struggle and thinking about what I need to do to help him improve after his lessons end Friday. I taught children's swim classes in college, but was hoping someone else could help him master this. I avoid swim suits at all costs these days, plus he gets enough teaching from me and we both need breaks from it!

In the afternoon Brian had a violin lesson; again, I took my knitting. Gertrude insisted on sitting in my lap but her added body heat was
unbearable during the hot flash that lasted most of the lesson. After repeatedly removing her she sat on the coffee table in front of me, miffed. I got out my knitting but couldn't find my glasses (left them at home); thought I could surely manage a few rows of the memorized simple lace pattern of the skinny scarf I'm working on. WRONG! Knit. Botch. Tink. Fret. Set aside for later. (The good news is that once home with supplemental vision, all was set to right - I think.)
That's it for now from . . .
You're right...
However, you should tell the world you worked hard to get where you are, and get in the pool with Brian to cool off!! I'm bummed that all of my stock tanks are in P-ville - I use them as soaking pools when it gets hot...
Well, that was frustrating! Learning to swim is frustrating, too. I was not a natural, and it took me a while. Once I got the hang of it, I was a porpoise! I love to take knitting with me, but I need to take the most idiot-bullet-proof work that I can find. Hope it was all back in proper shape and stitch count.
I'm with Susan on the idiot proof portable knitting projects. My lack of focus might have something to do with my idle chit chat that seems to happen everywhere I go. Hmmmm.
Glad that all was right with your projects when you found you extra eyes. ps-I need those too.
I hear you on all of that. From the hot flashes to the eyesight. If it isn't one thing it's another right?
And I don't OWN as swimsuit. Glad you made it through.
Oh! I can SO feel your pain. All of that is/does happen here. Even including the swimming.
We should switch kids. Can you teach a teenager to dive?
Thanks, ladies; it's so nice to be understood. That's part of why I blog!
Melanie, can we switch kids even if I can't teach a teenager to dive? All four of us would probably benefit by mixing it up for awhile!
Hot flashes and needing glasses; isn't it fun getting old? :) I agree with Laura,get in the pool and cool off, summer is almost over with!
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