The cases were also in a different location. There seems to be less of many things entered this year, from quilts to veggies to livestock. One thing there was more of was the display by Far West Hatchery, the source of our Speckled Sussex and latest two Easter Eggers. Last year was their first year at the State Fair and they were very popular. This year the display was doubled to include not only young chicks but hatching eggs, and three big Robbins incubators. Terry (the owner) said fair management wants to double their display space again for next year, because it draws a lot of people to the Jackman-Long building who otherwise wouldn't venture in. Interest in home flocks is booming - a sign of our times, I think.

Brian's main interest was the BMX track, free for those who bring their own bikes and helmets. He visited two or three times yesterday, and plans to ride there more tomorrow. Biggify the first two photos below; a grandpa was there with his grandson, giving the young dogs a run for their money!

I'll share more when I can!
That's it for today from . . .