Today we
finally got a Christmas tree! This is late for us, and Brian was getting I.M.P.A.T.I.E.N.T. Fortunately, it was dry and windy this morning, so the tree could be brought in immediately for decorating. A neighbor kindly offered us cutting rights on his tree lot, and we came home with a Grand fir - our first, I think. I prefer the more rigid branches of a Noble fir, but this one worked out just fine!

When Rick got down on the floor for some final adjustments . . .

. . . it was apparently an invitation for a "guy pile"! :-)
Our handiwork:

A boy and his dog - basking in the light of the tree and the love of the season:

There are three new ornaments on the tree this year. The first is a birthday gift from my friend Debbie:

She has given me five of these exquisite dated bulldog ornaments - the closest I probably come to a collection of anything!
The second is a fragile glass heart I picked up at an after-Christmas sale year this year:

And the final one is a glass ornament Brian got at our Christian trailriding organization's Christmas party Saturday night:

He's getting quite a collection of ornaments to take with him when he leaves home!
ETA: I forgot the other new additions on our tree - candy canes! Brian had a burden to hang candy canes on our tree this year, so I bought two boxes of them. If you double-click on the photo of the decorated tree, you can see them.Fa la la la la, from . . .
I don't know one tree from another, but I know the ornaments and love hanging every memory one of them. We have a glass heart one too with a memory attached. I'm always taken by surprise at how much of my heart is in my tree~
I loved to talking to you - so great to hear your happy voice!!
Beautiful tree!! :-)
Thank you for the tree decorating tour, it was nice to be invited into your home and family. My favorite thing about putting up a tree is the story behind each ornament that I unpack. Where I got it, who gave it to me, what I was going though when I got it..........all great memories. It's wonderful to see some else's memories too. Merry Christmas to you and your family my cyber friend.
What a pretty tree. I bet it looks amazing from outside those windows!
I'm a noble fir person too, I love the way they look, but haven't been able to find one yet this year, so we're treeless :(
I used to have a set of glass hearts that my ex-mother-in-law gave me (love the woman to death!) now I think I have three left.
It's beautiful! Your tree makes my heart sing - I don't bother with a tree anymore, as it's just Emma and me. I'm sure she would love to climb a Christmas tree, but I don't want to clean up after her! I'm looking forward to pictures of my Grandson with his first tree!
Nancy in Iowa
Great tree!
Beautiful tree and lovely pictures. I love the picture of the boy and his dog by the tree. Truly best buddies indeed!!
Merry Christmas and enjoy the tree!!
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