This morning when I woke up (in the dark), a crescent moon was shining through our south bedroom window, and the drumming of rain was noticeably absent. By the time I headed out to do chores, the clouds had returned and there was a skiff of snow on the deck:

While I was cleaning stalls, it really started coming down,

and by the time I finished, we had a pretty covering of white:

Then the sun came out, and certain lad had to dash out and slide down the hill a few times before it all melted. Never fear, Brian; it has started snowing again!
That's it for now from . . .
Oh your place is beautiful~! I love the snow and guess I best get ready.. Weatherman says we are going to get somemore..snow...
The birds are at a all time high at the feeder.. Even had Mr. Pheasant come to my feeder for the second time.
Have a great day..ta ta for now from Iowa...
LOL! I can just see Brian rushing to get out there before the snow is gone! Too bad you are not closer to me - he'd be in sledding heaven!
All we are getting over here on the Oregon coast is rain and hail. I'd love a lil' snow to enjoy. I can tell it's been raining a lot, because my mini-mare actually pooped in the lean too, and she NEVER does that!
A skiff? I've never heard that term before.
Your riding area is AWESOME!
That's because you live in MN, Nancy, where snow is measured in FEET! ;-)
Michelle, I especially love the last photo with the sun shinging on all!! We still have a good covering here, although the grass shows up in patches. Supposed to get more snow tomorrow, then snow and sleet Friday.
Nancy in Iowa
Oops - looks like I invented a new word - shining and singing = shinging!!!
WOW!! SNOW! You have had more snow then we have had here in Kansas (south of KC)! I think north of KC has had a couple of inches. But after last years multiple snow storms and drifted roads I am very happy with actual DRY lots for the horses for once. :)
Oh, wow! I love that there's green grass under your snow!
I love the yellow flowers under the snow, which at first glance seemed to be daffodils, but are more likely primrose or pansies?
Just about four seasons in a couple of hours! Loved the 'skiff' question by Nancy and your reply. :-) We use the term here too, where we often get 'a skiff of snow' and sometimes feets as well. I'm off to look up the origins of this word.
Yep, Sal, those are pansies - tough little flowers! Karen, winter IS our green season. ;-)
Tammy, let me know what you find out about "skiff."
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