The sheep have been cooped up out of the mud and rain, so when today dawned frosty and dry, out they went. Blake couldn't contain himself, challenging all comers and exploding off the ground in leaps and bucks. I couldn't capture his antics very well, but if you look closely (and maybe click to biggify) you'll see that all four of his little hooves are off the ground.

In contrast, Inky found herself a spot to sunbathe in the weak morning rays. They didn't last long; it fogged up soon after and stayed that way the rest of the day.
That's it for now from . . .
All four feet ARE off the ground! I couldn't tell until I biggified it. Good catch. I love the shot of Inky in the sun. My chickens have be sunbathing in the sunshine that comes in the windows of their coop!
as the fog broke I managed to get the boys to go play outside even for a few minutes... when we went to town Nathan managed to find the biggest puddles to walk through, at least it had warmed up some...
I like Inky. :-) Not sure why - I just do :-)
Clear and cool here today also. I took my mini mare's blanket off and she took a long time just rolling in one of the dryer spots she found. The sheep came out of the lean-to and are moving around a bit also. Your flock looks happy and content.
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