Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One last autumn blast

Have I mentioned that I love living in this area? The seasons are all different and each has its own appeal - yes, even the rainy winters. :-)

Back to wind and raindrops at . . .


Mom L said...

Your photos are breathtaking! Almost as good as seeing the real thing.

Nancy in Iowa

Kara said...

Very pretty pictures...I love having 4 seasons.

white_lilly said...

The colours of Autumn are just breath taking


Leigh said...

You've got such gorgeous color! We have a few leaves turning, but for the most part everything remains stubbornly green. *LOL Only a Yankee would complain about that, right?

thecrazysheeplady said...

Love the red and yellow in the 2nd and 3rd shots. Fabulous!