This morning Rick left the house at 4:30 (
long before this sunrise) to take his mother to the airport. I got up to say good-bye and then went back to bed. But I was wide awake and knew that any rest I got from that point on would be fitful, so why waste the precious solitude? It's a rare commodity in a married homeschooling mom's life. So I got up, got dressed and reveled in it, in spite of gritty eyes and sleepy yawns.

After checking emails and blogs, I uncovered Louie II, who has been sitting idle since I took off the last installment of white alpaca (and the last two one-ounce samples I got from
Sara). Although I wanted to spin something colorful as a treat, I didn't have knitting plans for any of the candidates. That hasn't stopped me from spinning for the sake of spinning before, but this time it did. So this morning I weighed out another 8 oz. of white alpaca and "cast on." I feel so much better now! Once something is ON the wheel, I can sit down and spin for a few minutes here and there as able, and let the rhythm of the motions calm my spirit. I've needed that lately.
That's it for now at . . .
The early hours of the day are peaceful and full of potential. I like to spend some time just being. It's a kind of meditation - just exposing myself to the potential of the day, open to whatever may come.
These days, I do this outside, watching the dogs do what they need to do, and presuming that Dakota hasn't chosen to try and wake the neighborhood. But those mornings when Dakota neglects to gift us with an early wakeup serenade, I love to just stand there and submerge myself in the new day pooling about me, absent any emotional loading or pressure.
It seems to me that spinning can be every bit as meditative as my early morning vigil.
Oh you should never deprive yourself of spinning time! I know this sounds like I'm being silly, but you know its too important to your soul and well being. To be honest, I don't think I could function without a little spinning every day. ...now I'm sounding dependent lol! Oh well, I guess I am :)
Gorgeous sunrise!
I wish I were as organized and efficient as you. Glad you were able to enjoy some bonus spin time.
Aha, now you see what I meant when I said I didn't have anything to spin. I meant anything colorful. I have buckets full of undyed wool, which I shall remedy within the next month - I hope :)
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