Yesterday afternoon Rick came home to get that last pickup-load of wood and took Brian with him. After picking all the ripe and nearly-ripe tomatoes, feeding rejects to the chickens and collecting eggs, I took a bit of time to spin.

This is what I call my spinning alcove, the west-facing dormer window area in the upstairs bonus room that is my office. A long, narrow space, it's just wide enough for me to sit at my wheel at the far end of an antique cabinet my grandmother gave me.

This is the view out the window to my left as I'm sitting at my wheel.

The cabinet is immediately to my right, filled with awards and photos from dressage shows, roving and bobbins.

I think you've met my spinning buddy. No, he is not doing his best sad-eye bulldog imitation. He was getting ready to settle down beside me and I said his name. This is his "She's pointing that thing at me and I have no choice but to look at her" face!

That's my boy.

"Whatcha doin'? Can you spare a hand for me?"

When Dozer figured out both my hands were busy, he squeezed in between the chair and my spinning leg, standing there for several minutes while my treadling rocked his body from side to side. Guess it was better than nothing...

...but only for awhile!

Finally, he decided to join Jackson.

But apparently Jackson thought the alcove was getting too crowded, because he up and moved to the office.
As the wheel turns at . . .
Nice post! Love the way you all crowded into your spinning nook. That seems to be one of the reasons (or maybe one of my excuses) why it takes so long to accomplish something around here. All my 'buddies' want to help, or need attention. There's that fine line between buddy and pest, I tell them. It looks like Jackson and Dozer are settling in well together. Did you have any fears of aggression towards each other?
I love when Suka curls up on my feet under my desk, and Dakota comes along and plants herself neaby. Something so right about sitting there, surrounded by comfortably snoozing dogs.
Oh, yeah, and my lap occasionally grows a furry face like that, too.
Dozer is cearly settling in well.
I'm looking at your wheel an it looks similar to one that my husband was sapposed to fix for someone. We couldn't quite figure out how it went together.
On your wheel were the wheel hooks onto the stand there it looks like your wheel is secured by a washer and a bolt? Do you know what is behind the washer on the other side? My thought on the wheel we have is that the round circle was cut out but not completely through so that the washer and bolt would hold the wheel on. Is this how your wheel is hooked on?
No, Tammy, no worries at ALL about aggression. The dogs get along so well, even when one is being a pest trying to get the other to play (usually Jackson). I think having another dog already here has helped Dozer settle in faster, because he clearly takes some cues from Jackson on what to do when and where to go. Being put in their "bedroom" (laundry room) at night is not scary when there's another furry friend in there with you.
You're right, Masked Man, about being flanked by dozing dogs. I can't imagine my life without at least one in it!
Susan, if I'm understanding your question correctly, there is a washer on either side of the wheel itself, and a short metal tube between the wheel and the vertical support. The long bolt goes through the wheel, the tube and the vertical support, and it looks like a locking nut at the end that comes out the vertical support. It's a Louet S10, a very common wheel, so I would imagine you could find some more details assembly instructions on the web somewhere. I bought my from Holland on eBay, but I can't remember where I put the assembly instructions that came with it. It wasn't hard, though.
You alcove looks so cozy and I love the view from the window. Happy spinning.
Great view, awesome cabinet, and superb companions. What a life!
It's so nice to see Bulldog photos on your blog again! I can't imagine life without the canines.
That was a calming and soothing post, I can see you there spinning in your own private space with your beloved and faithfully dogs beside you :)
Congratulations on your new boy. Looks like he's as much in love with you as you are him! And what GREAT news that he and Jackson are buddies.
I laughed when I saw dozer squeezed in trying to get his lovin. My dogs do that, too. And now I have a couple kittens and they try to 'catch' the treddle. And when there are lambs in the house they are always trying to help, too!
Very cute post, Michelle. :)
Thanks for the kind words left on my blog. I've been slacking on the blog commenting recently, but I have been reading. How's Jackson getting on with his new buddy? Fox stalks off in disgust too if Whisper tries to sleep next to him! Interesting stuff about the micron testing, I really must get to grips with what it all means!
Just wanted to stop by and say 2 things. 1. Your new dog is a cutie, what a great smile he has. And 2. thank you for the note card. It's beautiful. I think I am going to send it to my mom as a letter for a treat. thanks again Michelle.
What a great post - gives us a little glimpse into your world. I love the view out your window. I'd be tempted to sit there all day. I have my wheel behind me when I am sitting at my home office desk, so I am oft tempted to spin when I should be studying. My greyhound, Stickley, ignores the wheel, Marshmallow sure did love it though.
Aww! I love bully faces. :-)
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