Two weeks ago today was the "first time ever I saw (Dozer's) face. I thought the sun rose in (his) eyes". . . and I was a goner.
Those who have read this blog for at least two years know that on October 17, 2007, I had to say good-bye to my "heart" dog. Nothing in my life so far has been more heart-wrenching than losing Rosie, and it left us not just dogless, but bulldogless. Ever since getting Rosie's parents I had said to anyone interested, "I can't imagine not having a bulldog in my life now," and yet there we were. Rick said we could get a bullie pup, but the first breeder I talked to, someone I highly respect, said, "Oh hon, you're not ready" when I burst into tears on the phone. And I was afraid she was right; afraid that I could form that kind of bond with no other dog on earth. After discussing it at length, Rick and I decided to get a dog for Brian rather than for me, and Jackson entered our lives in December, 2007. Jackson is a wonderful dog and I love him dearly, but - to state the obvious - he is not a bulldog.
Over a year ago I sent in an application to Cascade Bulldog Rescue, thinking an adult bulldog would be a saner approach to filling the bulldog-shaped hole in my heart than a puppy. Nothing ever came of that, and my application eventually "aged out" and I didn't reapply. Fast forward to last month. A local pet supply store had some coupons in the community coupon flyer, and each coupon had a tiny photo of a bulldog and the invitation to "come in and see Frankie." Needing a bulldog fix and a tool to get VM out of fleeces, Brian and I stopped by one day. Turns out the owner is a member and foster mom for Cascade Bulldog Rescue, and of course we got to talking. She thought a good candidate for us would be a young male who had just been surrendered because of his need for expensive surgery that his family was unable to pay for, and encouraged me to fill out an adoption application again. I did and sent her a follow-up email, and then waited. I was about ready to contact her again when I got a call that fateful Friday. It was my friend Debbie (who has Rosie's brother), who had stopped by the pet supply store to meet Frankie for herself. And who should be at the store just two days after his surgeries than Dozer! She gushed about how cute and sweet he was, and urged me to drop everything to come in and meet him. I called Rick who agreed to meet me, and off to town Brian and I dashed. Dozer was as cute and sweet as billed, and good with Brian, too. He reminded me somewhat of Rosie's mom Ruby, only better conformed. Oh, his surgeries? To repair the overly loose lids of his right eye and amputate his tail. He hadn't been kept as clean as necessary, and an infection got started that eventually involved his tailbone. Now his eyelids are fixed and his backside is as round as a billiard ball:

Anyway, I tried not to get too excited, since the rescue gets far more applications to adopt than they have bulldogs to re-home. But after Rick and Brian left I told the store owner we were definitely interested, and to keep us in mind for when Dozer was healed up and ready to go to a new home. Unfortunately, I learned that evening that Rick was far from impressed, and not at all sure Dozer was the bulldog he would chose.
The very next day I got an email from Dozer's foster mom, saying that she thought our home would be perfect for Dozer. Rick wasn't convinced; he wanted to meet Dozer again but kept stopping by on days when Dozer was gone or had already left. Finally, today, he saw Dozer again, and while still reluctant, agreed to the adoption.We pick him up tomorrow after church. I know Rick is going along with this primarily for me, and I am oh, so thankful.

Utterly happy at . . .

What a wonderful thing for you Michelle! He is so cute! Isn't it funny how things work like that? My Dad used to always tell me 'don't try to push things, if its going to happen, it will happen in the right place at the right time and it'll be good.' he was a smart man. It took me most of my life so far to realize the wisdom of those words and the patience to adhere to them.
This is where we are with replacing (never happen) Tug. He is still too close to us and I know in my heart that any dog we got right now would never measure up to his god-like chihuahua status lol
What a cute sack of wrinkled dog furs you got there!! Mommy likes him but me being a cat....well OK, he's real cute but looks slobbery!
We both hope he will be the king of your heart before too long and the hubby's too! I bet Brian is over the moon happy...
Glad you were successful in your quest. Hope Dozer begins to fill the place in your heart that Rosie left empty. Enjoy!
I know about bully holes. I had a boxer that bloated about 3.5 years ago, and I had to put her down. She was the first dog I got after my divorce (10 years later), and was just a wonderful dog. I waited almost 2 years, and ended up with a pit bull. She's the right dog in the wrong body, but that's ok. I trust my grandgirls with her, and she's very protective.
My son and dil have a bulldog, Chewy, who is adorable, but kind of anti-social. Looks like Dozer doesn't have that problem!
Congratulations on commencing to heal your heart.
I am SO happy for you, Michelle!
AND for Dozer ~ who God has obviously smiled on by finding him a home with you...
Oh MY!!! What a handsome boy. That wrinkly face is to die for. It would be a pretty heavy carry on bag, but he'd be welcome here :-D.
I've met bully puppies and think they're terribly, terribly cute, but I've never had the chance to get to know and adult. You'll have to tell us what they're like.
Oh, the endless fun posts that will be coming up! Does Jackson know about this? LOL Congratulations on the new family member!
Congratulations Michelle! You've got a lot to be thankful for, thoughtful husband and new bulldog. :-)
He looks very sweet!
Congrats! :)
What a wonderful story. Having just become adoptive parents of the dog I have always wanted, I truly appreciate what this means to you, and how wonderful for Doser.
Awww, my daughter would love to have a bulldog but they're nearly impossible to find here. Dozer looks like a real sweetheart.
As an adopter of a Brit (adopted at 7 years), a Great Pyrenees (adopted at 1 year) and a Border Collie (adopted at 10 weeks!) I salute you! Our Irish Wolfhound, Bridie, is the referee of this goofy pack....she keeps everyone in line. LOL
I LOVE Bulldogs and have always had to force myself to walk away when I see pups!!! They are TOO CUTE!
Enjoy you're new friend!! Congrats!
What a swell dog, Michelle. He looks "rough and tough and hard to bluff" (and I mean that in a good way!). I have often thought about a bulldog of my own . . . I'm so excited for you!!!
Congratulations :-)
Congratulations Michelle!! Dozer is absolutely adorable :)
I think one of the most wonderful things in the world is to love a dog and to be loved right back by that dog, unconditionally :)
Dozer is one lucky fellow - may you all have many, many wonderful years of laughter and happiness together!
What a lot of handsomeness wrapped up in that face! Good for you. I'm glad this guy has gotten the treatment he needs and is coming home to lovely and loving home. Looking forward to future Dozer posts too! BTW, I saw my first bull dog puppy not too long ago. No one told me they were so cute.
I know about waiting and long campigns to influence reluctant spouses... and about loving people whom will go along with crazy desires. Rick will come to love Dozer too, if maybe not as much as you do!
Oh! How WONDERFUL!! :) Congratulations Michelle AND Dozer (who lucked into one of the best homes on earth!)wishing you many happy years together.
What a very happy surprise Michelle! I was very wrong... no sheep, no fiber... but am so happy for you. You sure threw me off, I hadn't expected you to be the "bully" type. ;) He's adorable. :D
Congrats, Michelle! And Welcome, Dozer! Such a handsome boy. I just love pups. So glad it worked out for you! Dog rescue is a great way to go.
Denise :)
Thanks for your kind words, everyone! We're all home now, and Dozer is getting acquainted and settled in. And Joan, I wouldn't have taken me for a "bully person" either! Years ago I dissed brachiocephalic dogs as "deformed," and said I would never own one. How I got from there to now is a story in itself, but now I just love bullies - their looks, their personality - everything except their too-short lifespan!
Your passion for Bulldogs is lovely and I can see Dozer has found the best home to be in.
Congrats, sister! I am so glad for you...and for us. We expect lots of bully posts to come...
What a great story. I'm really happy with you! Kudos to Rick for going along. Let's hope Dozer steals his heart real soon.
too cute!! I'd love to shoot photos of that wrinkly face!
Congrats on the loveable pile of wrinkles!! He is a very handsome fella. I hope you have years of blissful companionship with him. :.)
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