When my Shetland sheep started seducing me into spinning, I first made myself relearn to knit after a 35-year hiatus. (No point in creating yarn if you don't know what to do with it, right?) I had learned to crochet as a child, too, but thought I remembered liking knitting better. Fast forward a couple years to a pretty little cardigan that a friend asked me to knit. She knits a little but mostly crochets, so she thought the pattern too challenging to try herself. When I looked over the pattern, I saw that it was finished with crochet. I told my friend I'd probably let her do that part. Well, I got to "that part" last week, and couldn't resist the desire to "do it all myself." Onto the trusty internet I went to learn what the various stitches and abbreviations meant, and proceeded to crochet the collar to the body, add a pichot edge to the collar, trim the front edges and add button loops. Today I sewed on the buttons.

Speaking of divas, while I was working in the kitchen I switched on public broadcasting for something to listen to and happened upon a re-broadcast of "Chess in Concert" with Josh Groban, Idina Menzel and Adam Pascal. Wow! I absolutely loved what I heard and saw!
That's it for now from . . .

Wow, you did an amazing job on that sweater - it's beautiful. I hope someday I can make things like that, or at least not be so intimidated by such patterns. I'm still working on that first sock right now. Josh Groban is great spinning background music too!
I love the sweater its gorgeous, the crochet edge adds a nice touch to it and finishes it off nicely you are so talented.Gee you have some funny headings for your post. They are great :)
Good job Michelle! So pretty!
That is the most adorable little sweater I have ever seen! So cute!
What an amazing sweater! So beautiful! And you MUST call yourself a hooker - it's destiny - I was one for almost 20 years. (Rugby - before you get any weird ideas...)
The sweater is beautiful! I need to relearn to knit and crochet as well, ans my first grandson will pop into the world in about 6 weeks! I last did both when Diane was a baby-toddler, over 35 years ago!!!
Nancy in Iowa
Mmmmmm... Applesauce cake...
[/Homer Simpson]
The cardigan looks very nice, but I understand the skills involved too little to comment intelligently. I lump all that stuff under 'magic things other people do.'
Beautiful sweater!!!
We have two friends, mother and daughter, both very upstanding members of the community and their church... The daughter is a rug hooker and the mother runs the farmer's market here and is a big gardener. We all like to tease them about being a hooker and a hoe-er. I know, bad. ;-)
The cardi is so cute! Well done! Your applesauce looks really good too.
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