Most of the year I dislike the large, out-of-place clump in our island bed. But the white flag iris burst into bloom while we were gone, and welcomed us home with its cheery white and yellow flowers.

On to travel knittng. I finished the two-up-on-Magic-Loop wristwarmers:

Then cast on and finished both the gift knits I took with me. One is for a reader of this blog so if you really want to see a photo you'll have to ask me to email it to you. The other, the black moebius shawl, still needs to be seamed; here it is as a rectangle:

On the flight home I pulled out my newly acquired 2.5mm x 120cm Addi Turbo circs, two balls of yarn and the instructions I had printed out, and made the acquaintance of Judy's Magic Cast On. Yes, I'm knitting socks toe-up, two-at-a-time on Magic Loop! My eyes aren't bleeding thanks to reading glasses, but this project is obviously going to take me awhile!

On a more personal note, 25 years ago this morning Rick and I tied the knot. We're halfway to our 50th anniversary!
That's it for now at . . .

Very cool knits and very lovely flowers! :-)
Happy Anniversary!
I can't believe what a knitter you've become!!
Happy Anniversary!! I hope you make it to that 50th and beyond!
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