Today we went and looked at a pony for Brian, and a couple I met at Black Sheep Gathering came to Boulderneigh to look at sheep and my sheep set-up (humble though it is). Neither we nor they took home any animals, but both visits were enjoyable and may yet "bear fruit."

Look who's getting bolder at Boulderneigh! Lucy 2 is now crowding right in there in the mornings to snitch her share of the lambs' grain. So intent is she that I was able to reach over a lamb and grab her this morning. She was pretty calm, and I put her in the sheepfold to forage in the dirty bedding a bit (she was able to leave of her own accord when she chose).

We are working hard at getting ready to go, and tomorrow is going to be jam-packed with more of the same, plus Brian's violin lesson, payroll for Rick's clinic, and grocery shopping for the trip. So in case I don't get another chance, let me wish all of you an early happy Fourth of July! I hope you take some time to appreciate all the blessings we enjoy in this great country of ours. Flawed though it is, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
That's it for now from . . .
Welsh crosses are great ponies from my experience, both Poncho and Pudge. Good luck on your pony search! I was grateful to have the last two ponies here on trial...the herd dynamics and the small farm setting is hard for some ponies to adjust to if they are from a large boarding facility with an indoor ring. The trial period really gave me the opportunity to pick the best one for us.
Have a wonderful trip!
Have an excellent trip! Happy Independence Day and enjoy your time... Love that quote, "Flawed though it is..." I really can't think of any place I'd rather live either. I just wish that things were the same as when our Founding Father's put this place together.
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