Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Friday, June 26, 2009
Cool-hand Ham, er - Luke, uh - Brian
I don't know what inspired Brian while getting dressed this morning; perhaps it's our upcoming horse-camping trip where he'll get to see his best cowboys-and-Indians friends. He even ASKED if he could help clean stalls at the barn this morning! Then he had to walk out into the pasture to hug his horse. Even though Oliver has ruined Brian's confidence in the saddle with some of the stunts he's pulled, Brian is fiercely loyal to him. We're talking about going to look at a pony that might be a better mount for him, even though I don't know that that would improve matters and would just be another (expensive) mouth to feed. Meanwhile, Lucy 2 (remember, everybody has to have a name around here) seems to be making herself more and more at home. I have no plans to try and catch her; it's fun having a "chicken at large" (Bronwen seem to think so, too!).
The concert yesterday was good! The man in the green suit had a jazzy style with the sax, harmonica and his tap-dancing, percussion feet. Jackson even got to go since it was a cool, cloudy day. He needs more outings like that to learn to "chill." That's it for now from . . .
Country Girl, your comment made me laugh because I SO rarely get a good shot of Brian! Usually when I point the camera at him, he puts on his best little-boy monster face, grimacing and trying to look silly. This posing business is a totally new development!
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
The photos of Brian are really wonderful! Although, I suspect he will hate them when he is eighteen... ;-)
Jackson is beautiful with his ears down!
Girl - you are in tro-uh-ble. That is one HANDSOME little man, and when the girls discover him...look out.
Yep, Brian does look so cool! I love the shot of Bronwen following Lucy 2. What characters!
Nancy in Atlanta
That's one very cool dude!
The girls will most certainly appreciate him. Plus he knows how to pose; maybe a modeling career?
Country Girl, your comment made me laugh because I SO rarely get a good shot of Brian! Usually when I point the camera at him, he puts on his best little-boy monster face, grimacing and trying to look silly. This posing business is a totally new development!
Love the photos of Brian! He's going to be a lady killer...
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