Last night Rick and Brian picked up Breezy, the 24-year-old pony that we looked at on Sunday. I rode her then and was not impressed (and was even less impressed when I realized this is the same pony one of my former students rode in lessons and had a tough time with), Brian rode her then and has been campaigning hard for her ever since, Rick and I have discussed the pros (none that I could see) and the cons (her age, her stubbornness, our lack of space for both another horse and the additional hay we'll need to buy, our son's decided lack of interest in all things horsey), and Rick made the decision to get her anyway. So now he's off getting shoes on her so she can go horse-camping with us(!); when we come back he gets to figure out where he's going to put her so she can have shelter from months of rain this coming winter. I predict extra work and expense for the adults, about 72 hours of excitement and interest on Brian's part, and a lot of lip-biting on my part to keep from saying "I told you so" ad nauseum.

At least I will have these to work on for awhile yet to help keep my frustration under control. I haven't had a lot of knitting time lately, so it will be nice to make some progress on this trip.
That's it for now from . . .
I hope she works out, I would take her in a heart beat! Just for a pasture ornament, but she'd probably kill all my sheeps. She looks very much like my first pony, Cindy (only she is bigger)and sounds much like her---stubborn! Anyway...have a good trip.
I actually hope she works out, too -- as long as Rick finds another home for the horse that Brian already had (which Rick is FINALLY admitting is not a good kid's horse!). We just don't have room for four horses. At least we didn't pay all that much for her, and that included all her tack -- a very nice saddle, two bridles, helmets, a winter blanket and a summer sheet and whatever else is in the big trunk.
Gorgeous socks! I'm getting closer to trying some...
Actually, Miss Breezy is a bit on the plump side! With her slightly cresty neck and fat rump, we will have to watch her closely to prevent founder. She is reported to be an easy keeper; I believe it!
Brian is at that magic age though where if you ARE going to become addicted to horses you do. Don't lose hope it may be more than a brief interest if given the right opportunity to grow into more...or at least that MY rationalization! LOL!
I hope she works out for you. I also hope Brian takes a liking to her for more than 72 hours. ;-)
I'm pulling for you - and nice job on the socks, BTW!
If she helps Brian get his confidence and gets him happily back in the saddle, she will have done her job, even if she's stubborn. I learned to ride on a 10 year old stubborn terror of a Welsh pony (grab the bit between her teeth and run for the shed or under the clothesline, head between her front knees, was her style.) But after I learned the basics of riding, I could handle her with a twine around her nose. She'll teach him a lot, if he has the confidence and the stick-to to learn from her.
I love love love the socks! Perfect color too! I can't wait until I can learn to knit like that!
I hope it works out with Breezy!
You've won my Giveaway, Michelle! Would you please e-mail me your mailing address so I can send it to you? Congratulations!
I'm just now trying to learn toe-up socks. The provisional cast-on is killing me. I'll try it again tomorrow. Isn't it funny about the horse thing. My mother and brother were wonderful horsemen. I just didn't care. Sometimes I wonder if I could still ride.
If Breezy is anything like my first pony, then she will teach him a lot - mostly character building ;) The socks are beautiful!
Ooh! Horse camping sounds fun-even with a persnickity pony! Can I come too!?
The fact that Brian picked this pony will help his confidence. Stubborn ponies are good for character building, I know I had one in my younger years. :)
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