While I may not be getting much sympathy from my DH, he did bless me with solitude yesterday. After giving Russell his final extracorporeal shock wave treatment for an reinjured suspensory in the morning, he took Brian to the office with him. I didn't have to be mom and teacher and violin practice taskmaster, which was a very good thing as I don't think I would have handled any of that very well. I tried to work on the church newsletter, tried to balance a checkbook, took one short nap, did a load of laundry - in other words, it was not a very productive day. I couldn't even muster up the energy to crack the book "Three Bags Full" I won on
Shula's blog, or spin any alpaca, or knit a stitch!
But one thing
did draw me outside in the middle of the day:

From the house I could see that Blake had found a lamb-sized hole and was on the wrong side of the fence. Of course they can
NEVER figure out how they got there, or find that hole again! That hunka-chunka he-lamb quickly turned into a cry-baby (click to biggify and see), so out I went to rescue him. I figured, since he is scared of people, that I might have a bit of a work-out on my hands, but in his panic at my approach he tried to go
through the fence, making it easy to nab him and drop him over to the other side. And that was about all I could manage.
Thankfully, I feel much better today after a good night's sleep. Good thing, too, as we hustle through our subjects and practice this morning so we can spend the afternoon at homeschool co-op. And tomorrow morning Rick's mother arrives for a visit through Tuesday, so tonight I need to do some more preparing for a house guest.
Now for something that's completely opposite of my post title.
Franna tells me that not only was Blackberry very "useful" in the group of ewes she selected for him, he was also quite "useful" when he jumped the fence to be with some other ewes she
didn't intend to breed! She's seeing swelling bellies and beginning bags on quite a few ewes; they are all due around the same time as Katie. I am very excited, because Franna's lambs out of Blackberry should give me a good representation of what he can produce - a much broader representation than I could get here, since I currently only have three ewes who are not related to him, and one of those is for sale. Anyone have a poll-carrying katmoget ewe they want to trade for an Awt/Aa Bb/Bb SS/SS pp ewe?
That's it for now from . . .
Hope you feel better Michelle. I bet Franna's lambs out of Blackberry will be beautiful.
(((Hugs))) Feel better soon Michelle! Blake is such a cute little goober!
Alphabet soup ewes! Ewes all Greek to me! Blake is so handsome, hope he turns out to be all you're looking for in a new ramalama-ding-dong.:-)
I'm glad you had some time to invest in rest and are feeling better. I'm scared to leave home - don't want to contact "the" virus. That's no way to think!
I'm glad you're feeling better; just don't push it! And tell little Blake not to pull that kind of stunt when you're not feeling your best!
Nancy in Iowa
Non-productive? Bull-pies, Michelle. You did plenty - especially considering you've been under the weather.
I am sorry to hear Russell's having problems again. Poor guy. If he keeps having problems will you need to explore options other than dressage for him?
Other options than dressage? I wasn't even DOING dressage with him -- just trying to get him legged back up enough to RIDE; lunging him once a week, and an easy trail ride once a week. I have no idea how he hurt himself; I'm beginning to think he has no options other than a pasture pet!
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