...is my free period at the homeschooling co-op each Wednesday. There are several who knit or crochet - probably many more than I've met, considering that there are 52 families involved and I haven't spent time with
all the moms. I don't know anyone else who spins, but there may be some.

Yesterday I had a friend snap this photo of my Talia vest, which I was wearing for the first time - and getting lots of compliments on! I am ready to cast on my next project, having finished my gauge swatch yesterday. Maybe I'll be ambitious and cast on
TWO - a difficult thing for this monogamous knitter. :-)
In other news, I now have a functioning washing machine (and ice maker in my frig) at home - YAY! Also, the lab report on Brava's stillborns came back negative for chlamydia; even so, Rick thinks we should vaccinate for it before breeding next fall. We are still dealing with eye and vaginal flare-ups in Bramble and haven't been able to figure out a cause for those. Life: It's always something!
That's it for now at . . .
Good news on the stilborn lambs. Your sweater is gorgeous!
Nice vest!! That came out great and it fits you perfectly :-)
I'm glad that the chlamydia test was negative - I'm thinking that vaccinations in the fall are far easier than what you would have had to do now had the test come back positive.
Very nice work on the vest! Looks great on you.
Beautiful vest, and some great knitting action shots!
Can hardly wait to see what you are swatching for!
Looks like the perfect knitting group to me. :) Actually, when we were homeschooling, I was at my most productive, knitting-wise. Not only at homeschool group activities, but while waiting on piano lessons, football practice, flying lessons, chess tournaments, 4-H meetings .... I miss those days.
Your vest looks great - good job! Can't wait for your next project. You are putting the rest of us to shame!
I love your vest! It fits you very well!!! I just finished a sweater that's so big that I'm not going to even post it, but will donate it to the guild's white elephant sale. And I knit a huge swatch - shoot.
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