Yesterday when I turned the sheep out, I noticed that Bodhran wasn't keeping up with the other lambs. Then he ran too close to Bronwen, who knocked him down and then prepared to smash him flat (while I yelled and struggled through the bars of the arena). He got up but looked kinda tough, lying down often, getting up slowly, and breathing rather fast and shallow. When he did stand, he was a bit hunched up, and seemed to favor his left front leg. I caught him and checked him over, but didn't find anything obviously wrong. My gut told me he was hurting rather than sick, so I kept an eye on him. And indeed, he got better over the course of the day, and seems back to normal spunky lamb behavior today. I suspect one of the ewes hit him hard in the fold, and Bronwen just added to his pain in the pasture. Poor little lambies; they do have to watch out for themselves!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood here. I have to spend the afternoon indoors (homeschool co-op), but later this afternoon I hope to get some trees planted. They are some type of cedar, possibly even sequoia. They had sprouted up in a friend's Christmas tree lot and he told me to dig them up if I wanted, because they had to go. I dug up four, plus a volunteer Douglasfir that was growing right next to the fence, and want to plant them where they will grow up and block our view of the neighbor house to the south. Rick doesn't like my idea, so I'm on my own. It isn't easy being "green" with a spouse who's not!
That's it for now from . . .
The weather does look lovely :-)
I guess life isn't always races. Naughty Bronwen!
Your tulips are so cheerful! We had a very wet afternoon, I hope the weather held for you to get your trees planted.
The heavy breathing to me is a sign of stress. I keep a bottle of B complex handy just for that reason. It isn't a cure all (and I'm sure you know, being married to your vet lol, lucky gal!) but it can sure help them through those hard hits.
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