We continue to have cold, wet, windy weather - very Oregon-winter-like! The sheep want out, but would only hide in the trees to escape the driving rain. Brava's son is the only lamb who has gotten to experience the wide, wide world - until this morning. While I was filling hay feeders a gust of wind blew open the access door to Inky's pen, and out she led her little boys! When faced with the weather, though, she stopped, not going beyond the end of the sheltered aisleway. When I realized we were between showers and the sun was actually attempting to shine through a brief break in the clouds, I led her and the boys on out for a quick trip to the salad bar - and a photo op, of course!

You may have noticed that I didn't refer to lambs by name, but I do think the names are settled. I really like the name Bravo for Brava's lamb (above), but Blake had already "stuck." Dinah's white lamb needed a good pet name; this potential fiber wether is cute, soft and by far the friendliest one of the bunch. Since Bosco didn't fit, I've decided on Barry, which is derived from "Barra," which means "white" or "fair-headed." I loved Kathy's suggestion of Bennie and Bjorn for Inky's twins, but Bjorn just doesn't roll off my tongue easily. I've decided on Bodhran for the black lamb and Banjo for the spotted musket (since banjos typically have white heads).

Now for finished objects of the inanimate kind. Last week I finished knitting my Talia vest, wove in the ends and tried it on. It FITS! All it needs is washing, blocking, and buttons; I have two different sets of six buttons in my stash that would look very nice, but I need seven. :-( That left me with nothing on the needles, so I did the responsible thing - I finally sewed the shoulder seams on the languishing Baby Surprise Jacket.

That wasn't difficult at all; I shouldn't have been so intimidated by the boucle yarn. I think I'll make a little hat and maybe some booties to go with it. The BSJ needs buttons as well, so I'll definitely be shopping for buttons today. I can do that while a load of laundry washes at the clinic. My washer is supposed to be getting a new motor at the end of this week; let's hope motor #2 lasts longer than motor #1!
That's it for now from . . .
That little black face is sooooo cute! On the broken-patterned one, it's almost hard (at least in photos) to see the features of his face.
Is this it for the year or do you have a second wave coming? Maybe they will all be girls!
I have one more ewe to lamb - I hope. She came bred from Lois, who saw her covered on a date that would give her a May 31 due date. Hopefully she is carrying lambS - and they are GIRLS! (Actually, if she gave me a phenomenal polled boy and a girl, or a horned boy for Lois and a girl for me, I would be happy.)
Banjo is too stinkin' cute and is totally making me want a sheep!!
Great names all, and what a cutie pies they are.
The vest looks wonderful and so happy it fits! Seems like you'll get some wear out of it this spring. It looks like down here at least we are going to do a late winter right into summer thing. By pass spring all together this year.
I think Banjo would like to live in Indiana. :)
Can you believe Rick thinks Banjo is the homely one? :-)
All your lambs are cute, but I like spots and patterns so Banjo gets my vote as the cutest. Your vest and baby sweater are lovely.
I think Rick must need new glasses. ;)
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