It's a grey, wet, rainy day; positively dreary, yes, but not uncommon for winter in the Pacific Northwest. Hey Butter, we got a white Christmas and you're well again, so we shouldn't complain!

In spite of the less than ideal conditions for portraiture, I decided during morning chores that I should feature ALL the creatures of Boulderneigh in a New Year's Day post. Oreo, our notoriously hard to photograph barn cat, was a perfect angel for the camera. That gave me a false sense of optimism; it went downhill from there. Jackson looked like a drowned rat from running around in the rain (I'm going through dog towels like nobody's business), the horses and sheep were more interested in eating than posing, and the chickens thought I was stalking them. I got some truly awful photos, and decided to spare you the forced theme.

"Good idea, Mom."

"Now can I PULLEEZ have another cookie?"

Inky actually looked at the camera with her mouth closed! It IS interesting to see the inside of her mouth, though, because her gums and tongue are just as black as her wool. Good way to tell if a lamb born black is going to STAY black!
I've been wanting to freshen up the look of my blog just a bit, and a brand new year seemed like a good time to do it. Please let me know if you find the new type easier to read or not.
A blesssed 2009 to you all from . . .
The new picture on the top is awesome. It shows how much you care for your sheepies.
Love the new look!! Happy New Year!! :-)
yes, easy to read. good photo's
I really like your new banner. Happy New Year to you too, Michelle.
LOL and Happy New Year Michelle!
Happy New Year - I LOVE the new header picture. It's so innocent and fresh. As for the type - it works for me. :)
I'm enjoying the new look of your blog, very clean and fresh-very nice for the new year. And excellent pix of your menagerie!
Happy New Year to you and all your family! I loved the photo of your horse running after the snow melted. How nice to be released!
I like it! (especially the larger type so I don't have to squint) T.
I always had a hard time taking photos of Inky too. She didin't like the camera pointing at her. Especially when the flash lights would strob for a picture. She would always go hide.
You think that the black tounge goes with non fading. I know my greys always have purple to lavender colored mouths, bottoms.
Heh. I'm having that squinting problem, too, Tina, so I did it for ME! Susan, my Ag greys have pink tongues and gums with a greyish overcast; I suppose that could be called lavender!
Hey Michelle - great new format! Happy new year to you!
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