Last week Brian decided he wanted "his" desk (a old one of mine) and school chair (an "antique" of Rick's) in his room to use for homeschool. So we moved his train table to the basement, he did a major clean-out of books and toys he no longer wants (not that you can tell from the clutter still visible!), and we brought the desk and chair up from the basement. Of course, Brian wanted the one little drawer for
his things, so I had to remove
my things. I don't remember where or when I last used this desk, but cleaning out the drawer was an interesting walk down memory lane. There was a photo of Rick at our college graduation, several photos from Rick's vet school graduation, assorted sticky pads, stickers, inspirational quotes I had written on 3"x5" cards, stationery, and my old sealing wax and seal. Remember those? They were quite the "thing" for awhile. Now the post office frowns upon things like hot wax seals that can get hung up in the sorting equipment. Anyway, what fascinated me was that the "M" on the seal (my maiden and married monograms are the same) is the same typeface as that of my Boulderneigh logo, chosen many years apart!

Another item in the drawer was this black and white snapshot:

On the back my mom had written, "This was taken the summer before you were two. I believe this was at a tour of an open pit mine in Virginia, Minnesota. Michelle, 18 months. Eliot, 22 1/2." Actually, my dad was only 21 1/2 in that photo, since I was born two days after he turned 20. He was too young, yes. I have few early memories of family life; my parents were divorced by the time I was four.
That's it for now from . . .
Oh! I had one of those wax sealing thingies. It might be around "somewhere" still.
What a (bittersweet?) memory in the photo of you and your dad.
- Franna
Wow! I see Brian in that photo of you and your Dad. He was certainly a hunk. I can see why your Mother was swayed by him inspite of what common sense would be telling her. He was too good looking for his own good. What a sweet photo. If I were you, I would scan it and blow it up to an 8"X10" and put it in a frame. It is a keeper!
What a cutie - even back then!
I sill have one of those wax seal thingees, too. Funny, eh? Keep thinking I might use it again some time,, but I don't do much correspondence on paper anymore.
Also- just wanted to mention I really like the photo in your blog header. Is that Dinah?
Yep, that's Dinah, my "big white Shetland." :-)
Small World Michelle! We live 17 miles from Virginia MN! I drive through daily on my way to work. Great picture!
Amazing the thoughts that old photos bring back to us. Wait a few more years, and the memories will be even more interesting
Didn't mean to "upset" you with the bully picture. Boy, would I love to be there for a few weeks now.
What lovely memories! You look gorgeous with your curly hair and your Dad was a bit of a looker :)
I agree with Melanie! :)
Ah yes, I had the sealing wax thingie too. :) A friend of mine just gave me a Chinese carved stamp that is supposed to say Tammy (we had a good laugh over what it REALLY might say) :) and a carved dog on top for the Year of the Dog (my year)....just a newer/older version of the sealing wax??
I love finding a "stash" of memories where I had forgotten about them.
Love that old picture of you and your Dad, and your curly wispy baby hair!
What a neat walk down memory land. I love that old picture! Your dad was gorgeous if I do say so myself, I am sorry your parents got divorced so early in life. Definitely bittersweet picture but also very worth framing!
Oh, didn't we all have the sealing wax thingy - ha, ha. I also have a chinese seal that I brought back from my trip there in 1978 - I should use it once in a while - I don't think the post office would mind -
Loved the picture of you and your dad. My sister has been sending pics like that out for the last year - they are fun to have. T.
Yup - sealing wax here, too :-)
Love the photo of you and your dad. You are so lucky to find it and have it. I have only one of me and my dad (apparently he was usually holding the camera, and he died when I was 2 1/2). I found it in my mom's things after she passed away. I was pretty much brand new in it ;-D
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