Earlier this month I was finally able to deliver my friend Kate's birthday/Christmas gift. I made her a moebius shawl like mine, only in one of "her" colors. (I made one of these for another red-haired friend and have YET to meet up with her to give it to her!) While knitting on this during Brian's violin lesson, his teacher - also a red-head - swooned over the color. So I knit her a scarf from the same yarn. This Classic Elite La Gran mohair is a pleasure to work with, and soft, too!

Yesterday my roving from
Psalm 23 Farm arrived. What pretty, pretty stuff! I may save this as my colorful reward for finishing my first "commission" - the white alpaca. I almost finished spinning the sample last night, so I may be picking up the rest yet this week.

This little treasure was my "find" while running errands yesterday. Not so little, actually; it's over six inches across, made out of glazed clay - and cost all of $2.10! Since we don't have cardinals around here, I decided we "need" one. I'll probably pack it away with the Christmas decorations (yes, Martha, they're still up), but am enjoying it for now. I have some more errands to run today, farther afield, and will keep my eyes open for other after-season finds; I think
Kristi's lavish seasonal decorating style is influencing me!
That's it for now from . . .
I think I would be breathless trying to keep up with you, dear friend!
Let's see...now there's learning dyeing - for more color options...then basketry, for keeping everything in....then.....
Great job on the mobius!
You would love our cardinals. There were six of them at the feeder right outside my kitchen sink window yesterday. I think there were three females. Flickers, blue jays, juncos, downy woodpeckers, and sparrows round out the group. The red cardinals in the snow are spectacular. I see why you went way..out and bought your decoration. Don't you just love a bargain?
The shawl is really lovely!
I love the cardinal decoration! We see them occasionally around here, and it always cheers me up.
(P.S. We just put away our Christmas decorations today ...)
Oh I LOVE that cardinal!! :-) Also, that wine-colored roving is very beautious :-)
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