I just love "frost art;" who can improve on God's beauty? When zooming in on the above, I inadvertently captured details I didn't notice until I downloaded my camera to my computer. See the droplets on the blades of grass in the photo below?
(click to biggify)

In spite of the overhang Rick added to the roof of the sheep fold last year, the wind still blows the rain in through their gate, soaking the bedding at the south end. Yesterday without telling me, Rick put up some translucent panels to block the rain but not the light. I don't know if the sheep appreciate it, but I sure do! My DH is a good egg, even if he does grumble about my little sheep sometimes. :-)

Jackson "helps" us clean up the branches lying around the property. Our burn pile is getting big - crowned by the Christmas tree we finally hauled out yesterday!

Tawnie is our shiest hen, so I was surprised to get some decent shots of her dining on the daily "salad greens" I provide.
Happy MLK Day from . . .
Grass...I see grass....I miss grass... *pouts*
Wow, great picture, Michelle. God is THE artist. I am constantly amazed at the beauty of His creation. And amazed that He chose to bless us with that beauty. He didn't have to.
I love your blog more and more!
Cute title, fantastic pictures, sweet commentary- thanks for sharing.
Ah, TigereyeSal, you're making me blush! Thank-you so much; it means the world to me to have people who appreciate my little contribution to the blogosphere.
Thank you for the grass fix today. I look outside and only see white.
Beautiful photos! I especially like the details of the frost. Lovely!
Grass - it's very nice to see grass, whether you're human, ovine or canine.
- Franna
Guys HAVE to grumble about our animals...but the fact that he is a Vet shows that he appreciates them and would miss them if they were gone. That was a great idea with the panels!
Does Jackson actually bring the sticks to the burn pile? (and if so could you have him talk to my dogs?)
Beautiful frost shot!
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