Here is the Sonnet to date, with the body over half done. I don't have enough yarn to finish the sleeves, and some of what I have is not a good match (I know, hard to imagine with this colorful stuff!), so I will be getting more from eBay. If I buy more than I need, I can hopefully pick and choose for the most harmonious finished product. I'm sure I can come up with a project for the extra yarn!

The daffodils at the front of our center island are teasing us with fat, nodding heads and little glimpses of yellow. Only the petite variety has opened up its cheery trumpets for our viewing pleasure so far.

But soon our arrivals home will be greeted with an explosion of sunshine, as the above view is what we see in the middle of the circular driveway as we approach the house. Don't worry, Lauren, I'll share pix!
That's it for now at . . .
The Woman was trying to think of things she can do with MY fur when I blow my coat. I mean when I blow my coat, I blow my coat. Do you think she could knit a sweater with my fur or is this just one more of my Perfect Collie fantasies?
I can hardly wait to see a picture of you modeling it, Michelle!
Hurray, daffodils! A sure flu cure if there ever was one.
Maybe a tidy little felted purse with the extra "many colors" yarn. That would be a nice addition, I think. T.
I'm jealous! We won't be seeing daffodils for at least another three weeks. :(
I especially like how your Coat of Many Colors is shaping up.
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