Above is a red-shafted common flicker (sorry the photo's hazy; I was shooting through my less-than-sparkling-clean window). It is one of two varieties of woodpecker that very occasionally visit our birdfeeder. Usually flickers are drumming on our house somewhere (it's REALLY loud when one does it on the metal cap of our chimney pipe!), and Rick mutters "I need to get out there and shoot some of those things." I don't like them trying to drill a hole through our siding or shingles any more than Rick does, but I prefer to shoot anything besides poisonous snakes with a camera. (Click to biggify that wicked-long bill!)

"What are you doing in there with the irises?"

The daffodils seem to be taking their sweet time. Some of the bigger yellow ones have opened, as well as the bi-color below. (Since they are at the back of the bed and modestly look down, I had to stick my camera under one and "shoot blind.")

You have nine more days to guess which of my three exposed ewes will lamb, what they will have, and when. After that the contest closes, so I can report at will on any signs of approaching lambing (none are visible yet). When lambing season has come and gone, I will contact the person with the most accurate guess to see what subject(s) you would most like on your photo notecards prize!
That's it for now at . . .
I can't wait to see SOMETHING pop out of the ground here...I would even be happy with a dandelion right about now.
Did most of your "rescue" plants make it through the winter?
Hi Corinne, we won't know for awhile on the rescue plants. I think all the big ones are doing okay -- rhodies, pieris japonica (I need to post photos of those). Some of the mid-size shrubs -- azaleas and several of another I don't know the name of -- look dead, and some nearly so. We'll see if any of the ground cover comes back. Two possible surprises are the daphne and Japanese maple. Both looked dead last fall, but the Japanese maple has some buds, and I think the daphne is getting some, too.
What a nice photo of the daffys! Thank you. I am SO waiting for something green around here, I would take Corinne's dandelion as well...
We also get those woodpeckers around here, but none are so bold as to tap on the house!
I saw a mink today, crossing the road near work, and that is a first for me...Spring must be in the air!
I may be missing something, since I'm WAY behind on my blog reading ~ did you post a photo of the potential mothers-to-be? I might be persuaded to enter you contest (I admire your artwork greatly!) if I knew who the likely candidates are....
Wow! Spring time and daffodils. We still have snow on the ground. But it should all melt this week. I am looking forward to seeing flowers around here. Spring time feels like it is coming later this year than last year. But maybe that is good. Maybe summer will be cooler, milder, and no drought in May. The sheep are praying for good second cutting hay this summer. They are eating some really stemmy stuff right now. I am using the hay waste as bedding for the lambing jug I set up. I can hardly wait to see our first lambs!
On occasion we'll get a flicker down here and we're thrilled because we don't get much variety in our visitors.
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