I took the three photos above yesterday - in the space of about half an hour. And it cycled through sunshine, clouds, blizzards - as well as some rain and hail - all day long!

This morning, there was another dusting of snow on the ground. By the time I headed on with Jackson for a jog, more was falling. The temperature was low enough that it was even sticking on the road.

This llama, like most fiber-growers, seemed perfectly comfortable.

The rest of us are ready for more settled weather!
That's it for now at . . .
Gosh, it could be Wisconsin with the changing weather. Except......we don't have green grass or blossoms or flowers. In my dreams.......
March is definately going out like a lion this year - we drove some fleeces down to Gretchen's Wool Mill in Monroe this a.m. thru all kinds of weather!
That is a beautiful cherry/plum? tree - those bright pink ones are just my favorites! T.
Snow? Heeheehee! :)
Michelle. We just had eight new inches of wet heavy snow last weekend. And its taken all week to get it gone again. right now its 39 and 35-45 mph sustained winds. talk about drying stuff out and melting snow!!! I wish the cow yards would dry up fast as well as the farm roads...i can't even get to my driveway the frost is still coming out!! YOu are MUCh luckier! I don't even have green grass or ANY perenials out yet!
Remember, this is the Willamette Valley, less than 200 feet above sea level! (Okay, our house is at 700 feet, but still.) :-)
Beautiful pictures of this fickle, on-your-toes weather.
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