The good. Even though it's grey and soggy outside at the moment, this beauty is livening up our dining room table. It's a Tillandsia bromeliad, a thank-you gift from a friend. The colors are actually more intense in person; it's a fascinating plant!
The bad. Jackson the Destroyer has been at it again. In the past he nibbled a bit at the doorway trim leading out of the laundry room into the rest of the house (above); nothing bad, a bit of paint will fix it up. But when I came home yesterday afternoon, I saw this:

That's the doorway leading into the garage from the laundry room; I guess Jackson wanted to go with us when Brian and I left for the homeschooling co-op! Rick took it better than I thought he would, but I'm worried Jackson could lose his house privileges over this.
The ugly. If Jackson does get banished, at least these would get banished, too:

Those are the dust bunnies under my baking rack. When gathered up in a clump, they make a rather impressive dust-rodent. I definitely need to vacuum more often now that we have a fluffy pup as an indoor pet. Somehow, spinning this stuff just isn't appealing!

That's it for now at . . .
Oh. My. Goodness. Jackson has issues! :)
Jackson sounds like a very intelligent puppy who will entertain himself somehow, no matter what! And the dust bunnies look like interesting spinning fodder....
Rotten puppies! But it only last a little while. :-) My sister had a cat that chewed up her drywall something fierce! I wonder if you could set him up an 'ex-pen' within the laundry room, where he couldn't reach the walls? I bought one a few years ago and have found it very useful. It keeps Boone from roaming the house (and stealing everything) when he comes in for a few hours each night. I've also used it to section off a bigger pen for sheepies. ha... Anyway, I hope that patience prevails and that Jackson will get over this stage quickly.
Oh my, that is nothing, NOTHING! (Channeling Sgt. Schultz from Hogan's Heroes) Lighten up, my friend, you should see the damage done from impatient bloodhounds just scratching on doors to get in or out. And the hair! I could fill an oil drum with the amount of dog hair I sweep up every week. One puppy stuck in a laundry room is NOTHING. (Tell Rick I said to lighten up as well.) You can send Jackson here if he's too much for you. He'd get to sleep on a bed with at least one person (the laundry room is too full most of the time). Poor little guy, I feel for him.
I sypmathize - I have a 3 month old pup who, because of our lovely rain, refuses to go outside to get wet - she could easily be the reincarnation of my boxer, Ceili, who had her own raincoat (my dogs are NOT spoiled...). We're still having housetraining issues, and with me at work all day, it's difficult. Today, after a pair of "accidents" of the solid variety, I moved the x-pen (you should get one - check craigslist) so that it snugs up close to the dog door, with the large crate just inside with barely enough room to move beside it. It should work. The downside is that my border collie, Harry, who is 6, feels like he's being punished. Hopefully, Lyra will get the picture, and they can go back to less confining digs.
Michelle, I noticed before he had a crate, is this no longer the case? If he keeps on chewing, put him in a crate while you are gone (or busy doing other things) and give him a rawhide or something to chew on.
After Sadie ate the baseboard and ate carpet I haven't had much trust in her in the kitchen while i'm gone so I crate everybody. Just a thought :)
That is a beautiful bromeliad, and Jackson is what my mom would have called "a baddy-waddy-puddin'." He's still a puppy, so hopefully the chewing will stop soon, but I can imagine you are frustrated with him right about now . . . !
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