The chicks are also living up here, in a big box under the lamp on my desk until the Chicken Palace is done and they are bigger. The other day when I peeked in on them they were laying there like four limp noodles!

That's it for now at . . .

Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Emma's looking good, Michelle. Poor Girl! I know just how she feels. ;)
And the chicks will be getting bigger and bigger and stinkier and stinkier. LOL! I was glad I had mine in the basement or barn. :)
You have quite the menagerie going there! I love reading your animal stories!
I can't believe how many animals you have and how varied they are. I'm not surprised that you're married to a vet. Collectively, you two have a menagerie!
Oh, come on; a few horses, sheep, and chickens, plus a dog, cat and lovebird do not a menagerie make! :-)
Yes, but if you add in all the deer I think you could qualify for the menagerie. :)
I remember when we first got chicks how I would poke the sleeping ones, sure that they had died (because they sleep like the dead). I don't think they appreciated it but it gave me peace of mind.
And by the way, you, Michelle McMillen do not have menagerie. I have seen a menagerie (right here at home) and yours does not qualify ;-). Maybe after the lambs arrive and you add some more dogs, a few ducks, and a lot more chickens. Goats would be nice as well! (Be sure and pat Rick on the back; I'm sure he's choking.)
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