Thanks to
Garrett, who shares his home with a whole pack of dogs, I was finally prodded into action, resolving the problem of Destructo-Dog with the only immediate solution possible. I hauled out our 25-year-old Doberman-sized crate, last used to transport
Bobby to his new home, and thoroughly scrubbed it down. Now Jackson and his gnawing teeth can be safely and relatively comfortably contained at night and when we are gone. I feel so much better about his future!

I just had to include another photo of the bromeliad, this one taken without flash. The purple side-flowers are even bigger now, and Brian and I admire it often.
That's it for now at . . .
Crates are a good thing. Hero still loves his crate, and even will entice other dogs out of it by strategically positioning himself just outside it with a coveted bone. When the dog comes out of Hero's crate, he relinquishes the bone to the other dog and heads in to his crate!
I rarely have locked a dog in a crate, but having them comfortable in their own spot is a godsend for those times it is necessary for one's sanity or the dog's safety to be crated.
Jackson will make the crate his with toys, his bed, etc, and the whole family will be happier.
Oh Yay! Good plan :-)
Our pointers love their crates, would even sleep in them when I wasn't crating them, and their crates were half that size!
Good move! Hey, what happened to Bobby? Is he still a flock sire? Can't remember if you mentioned him after he left...
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