A week ago yesterday I put my Rocky Sheep Suits order in the mail -- plain ol' First Class USPS mail. Today I got my eight sheep suits in a Priority Mail box, with a $4 credit (or refund check, if I'd rather) for shipping since everything fit in a flat rate box. I am MORE than impressed!
Becca had strongly recommended this company for their superior sheep coats, and others on the Yahoo Shetland lists had mentioned that the reps of another company were sometimes slow in responding, so I finally swallowed big and made out my check to Rocky Sheep Company. I wrote a note on the order form saying that my sheep are being sheared on March 22, so if there was any chance of getting at least the smaller four coats by then, I sure would appreciate it. My understanding was that they make the suits to order, and I don't know how many little sewing gnomes they have on staff. Never would I have anticipated this kind of turn-around time.
Since my Rosie-dog (world's cutest bulldog/world's homeliest Shetland sheep) was the closest thing with four legs, she got to model the size C coat that I hope will fit all the girls after shearing.

That's it for now at . . .
I've toyed with the idea of coating my sheep, and was even closer to it after reading/seeing Becca's experiences, but seeing your pup in them, clinched it for me. I'm off to the website to order.....
Somehow, I don't see our girls going for the coat thing at all, but your doggie looks quite stunning.. :-) Only 3 more days to "d" day - or should I say "s" day (s for surgery) It can't come soon enough for me. I'm actually enjoying taking care of the girls - the boys went to auction on Monday - I miss them,
I laughed when I saw your crocus pictures & I swear that I didn't steal it, but have posted pics of our own croci (is that plural for crocus?) - Aren't they just so cheery?
Keep your eye out for the UPS man in the next couple of days - a little something is headed your way (& I just forgot that I promised you the sugar cookie recipe - I'll email it to you)
Happy that spring is coming our way. T.
What a great model! Rosie deserves dog-cookies for this one doesn't she? After all, this is above and beyond regular duty, isn't it? :)
My check is going out today!
I have to admit that I would rather see my pretty girls running around au naturel, but the thought of that clean, luscious fleece underneath will make the visual sacrifice worth it, I think. Guess we'll have compare notes this time next year, huh ladies?
The sheep suits ARE much cheaper than toddler clothes, Lauren, so I say "go for it"!
And Kathy, what do you think is causing Rosie to pose so nicely? LOTS of "cookies"! (A little obedience training helps, too. :-)
We'll be praying for you and John, Tina. And what are you doing sending me surprises? You have enough on your mind! I am truly humbled....
PS: My check and order forms went out this morning! I will be sooo glad to have my two fiber-magnets covered from now on!
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