What a beautiful day! After rain, snow and clouds all week, today dawned with sunshine and the temps climbed into the 50s, giving the purple crocus their first chance to show off their inner beauty.
The weather couldn't have cooperated better for the task at hand. Since we rest on the Lord's day, Sunday is typically our busy day. Rick is home (more or less :-) and we can get things done around the place. After attending a meeting this morning, Rick came home with the rest of the block we needed to finish the new sheep quarters. This meant that Valentine and Rechel needed to vacate the premises. Since I'd already put Bella and Dinah in the pasture, I decided to tether Valentine and Rechel outside the pasture fence. I could keep an eye on them, they could safely get acquainted with each other, and everyone could enjoy the sunshine and green grass. Who woulda thunk that the girls who have known each other the longest would have issues? But sure enough, when I approached to unloop the lead from around Valentine's front leg, I noticed that both Rechel and Dinah had blood on their heads. After being briefly distracted by my approach, they demonstrated why: they were bashing each other with the woven wire fence between them!
Silly sheep. So I put Valentine and Rechel in the old sheep fold vacated by the other pair who were in the pasture, and went back to work.
And what we were doing was a LOT like work.

That's it for now at . . .

Great digs! So let 'em in together already! ;-) (We each have a Jewish mother lurking inside us, don't we?)
I'll bet life will be so much easier when you don't have to worry about who's with whom and visa-versa....
Okay, okay! Check today's blog post; the flock is now together. All is well, the Jewish mother in me is relieved. :-) Thanks again for calling, Kathy; it was great talking to you!
No problema, Chica! ;-)
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