I just noticed on my desk calendar that today is the "official" first day of spring, so here's an "official" welcome:

Pictured is the big island flower bed in the middle of our circle driveway that you see as you approach the house. Today we purchased some new plants for this area, so it will be changing soon. Hopefully the meter post won't be so conspicuous and the Japanese maple will get some much-needed shade on its lower trunk from the additions. Rick also bought me three rhubarb plants to add to the garden -- yum!

These are the flowers on the "Tasmanian Tiger" euphorbia I planted in front of Brian's bedroom wall. These strange-looking relatives of the poinsettia have not once been sampled by the deer, so they get big points for that! Our local herd of "meadow rats" can make landscaping a real challenge. And just think how much more pasture we'd have for the horses and sheep if we weren't feeding all these!

That's it for now at . . .
Your critters must be related to the dreaded "Rats With Antlers" here. I have had to spend my days watching the local coyote crowd to make sure I don't lose anyone from my group!
Oh no, we're in the Willamette Valley in the NW part of the state. If we were in Central Oregon we'd have deer AND rattlesnakes! I'll take just deer any day. Tradition says there are no poisonous snakes west of the Cascades, but I have heard of the occasional timber rattler. Rare, though; nothing like Texas, where I lived for awhile, or Oklahoma, where some of Rick's family is. He knows he'll NEVER get me to move there, what with rattlers, copperheads AND water moccasins! During our one visit I developed into a crack shot with a .22 rifle....
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