I'm ready for a new week, a different week . . . a less stressful week! Bella has jumped out of the quarantine pen twice, and tried so many other times that I was afraid she would hurt herself. I thought I had catastrophic computer problems (it turned out they were not, but in getting the problems I DID have fixed, I gained other software issues that I still haven't resolved). A track hoe has been hard at work in the once-forested lot on our south side, an unhappy reminder we are getting hemmed in and losing our quiet country atmosphere. This morning when I went to the barn to do chores, Bella and Valentine were BOTH out, and this afternoon when I got home from church they were out again, demonstrating that "temporary" isn't good enough when it comes to sheep quarters.
BUT (You know what "but" means, don't you? It means "disregard everything I just said." Test it and see!) . . . this week has had its blessings, as always. Bella HASN'T hurt herself. I'm only out $20 for the work on my computer AND I have a laptop I can use in the meantime. We're enjoying some glorious weather after the cold, snow, and ice earlier in the month. Wonderful friends enrich my life. Brian has a great, new violin teacher. Valentine continues to be the sweetest thing on four legs around here.

And there are many, many more blessings too numerous to list. Thank-you, Lord!
That's it for now at . . .
Ralph's had a bad week and by Friday I was in tears. Maybe the planets aren't lined up correctly? :) (I was in tears about everything...just too much stress and hormones!)
I figure it means that next week should be better...hopefully...keep your fingers crossed...maybe...it's gotta be!
What a gorgeous picture of Valentine. My week wasn't anything special but today was my birthday and my husband got me a yarn swift so that made up for the week! Hope you have a better one next week!
Happy Birthday, Khaja! Glad your DH got you something GOOD for your birthday. I'm shopping for a good buy on a ball winder; my hubby hasn't figured out my fiber addiction yet.
I still think that picture is a Hoot! :)
That is the sweetest little baby. I am hoping to get some sheep soon. What kind do you raise?
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