Yes, Valentine came home to Boulderneigh tonight; a sweet treat for me and hopefully not TOO stressful for her and the little lamblets she's carrying! Brook and Lois Moore brought her over from their farm in the far NE corner of the state to Canby, where I picked her up this evening. She is such a love! Even though Lois said she acted quite stressed about being isolated in the back of their truck all day, when Lois and I crawled in to say hi and fit her new brown halter to her, she decided that things where finally okay enough to eat some hay. When I got her home and she saw that there were sheep nearby, she settled into her quarantine quarters immediately and started eating hay again. It isn't easy to get a photo in near darkness, but I managed. Isn't she beautiful? :-)

Let me back up to this morning. My good husband stayed home long enough to set up a dandy quarantine quarters for Valentine in the new lean-to, putting metal part way up on the north side to provide shelter but not block all the fresh air and light.

The front and back of the pen are more temporary, consisting of a hog panel and two sections of a dog kennel. Here it is bedded with straw and ready for Valentine's arrival (except for a hay feeder, which I still need to complete).

Many thanks to the Moores for raising such a sweet and beautiful Shetland, and bringing her all the way across the state for me!
That's it for now at . . .
Happy "Valentines Day" Michelle - did you guys get snow yesterday? We got about 8-10 inches and now it's 20 degrees & blowing 40 mph! But at least it is sunny out and forcasted to be so for the next 10 days!
Valentine looks very pretty - what a nice fleece she has! And what a sweet bird Emerald is - it must feel like she is your "first" child - one of our cats is 17 - I've had her longer than I've known John. Well, I'd better get to work. Take care & have a good day getting to know your new Valentine :-) T.
WOW -- you got dumped on! We had about an inch yesterday, which melted off. This morning we awoke to a couple more inches, and it continued snowing for awhile. Now the sun is out here, too. Very picturesque!
Ozzie the cat is actually our "first" child; we got him shortly before I got Emma. And he's still spry and ornery. :-)
Well, Happy Valentine's Day to the new "Mom"! YAY!!! I am so happy that she made the trip just fine. :) I know you'll have funwith her.
There's nothing like a new sheep to make a cold go away. ;-)
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