In due time, off we went to the post office to pick up - YES! - a box from The Netherlands! Considering it held a spinning wheel AND skeinwinder, it wasn't that big; but of course it was all dissembled. All I had time to do last night was gaze at the carefully wrapped parts and contemplate with happy surprise the three baggies of sample wool included.

Today I put "Louie 2" together. Although used, the wheel is beautiful, and nicer in every way than my S17, which is an inexpensive kit version Louet. (Anyone want to buy an inexpensive wheel?) The skeinwinder is new, a prototype made by the Louet dealers from whom I bought the wheel.

After putting Louie 2 together, I had to decide where to put him. Louie rests in a storage space away from little meddling fingers, but there isn't really room in there for Louie 2, too. I eyed the dormer window nook in my office. It's a cozy little space; when we built the house I thought it would make a nifty reading nook someday. Now it looked like the perfect spot to spin, out of the way, with lots of available light day or night. But since Emma lives at the front of that space, I could imagine the "novelty yarn" I would be spinning, with little feathers and bits of birdfood debris in it. After a moment's thought, I ran downstairs to get a pillowcase to use as a cover. Too small. So I grabbed an old bedsheet, pulled out my Featherweight, and sewed up a quick cover for Louie 2, sans skeinwinder. Voila!

I wanted to initiate my "new" wheel today with my freshly dyed wool, but the wool isn't dry yet. Haven't really had time to spin anyway. So Louie 2 sits tucked back behind the antique display case in the window nook, waiting for our first tryst.

That's it for now at . . .

What a fun new toy to have - wish I could make more time to spin -
Did you get your Chocolate Coma Cookies made? Hope you liked them!
Maybe I'll have Kathy send me a copy of that CD on how to comb correctly - maybe it would help. Take care. T.
Just remember that, like diamonds and good friends, you can't have too many spinning wheels!
I think Emma would really like your company in the alcove. And the colors in the wools look great! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Tina, when I figure out how to make more time to spin, I'll let you in on it!
Count me in when you learn to make more time...my spinning wheel is calling to me now, it's been so long...
Nice job on the dyeing, BTW.
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