After freezing rain and then some more snow this morning, the fog moved in, making the day feel very "leaden." I'm essentially stuck at home, with my car in the shop and my 4x4 pickup refusing to lock into all-wheel drive. (Rick came home this afternoon to take Brian and me to town, because I had to deposit payroll taxes today.) While walking back to the house after trying to get my truck to cooperate, I noticed that the animals are still making tracks, even if I'm not.
The birds and squirrels have been busy making tracks to the feeder, trying to keep warm no doubt.

Rosie only makes tracks when she REALLY needs to go potty.

I didn't see any deer tracks, which is amazing, since those "meadow rats" are thick around here. Maybe for once they are off foraging on someone else's landscaping and pasture.
That's it for now at snowy . . .
Hi Michelle,
We are sweltering down here in Australia - your snow pics worked wonders to make me feel cooler!
I hope your new girls are settling in well, your posts have been very entertaining!
Take care,
Yesterday morning, I saw coyote tracks in our pasture. Normally I only see our neighbors' cat's tracks. This might explain Skittles willingness to go into the barn at night. ;-)
Kelly said it was very hot in Auckland and they were wearing shorts! Let's go, Michelle! I know some great places to go...what do you say? ;-)
Ohhh, VERY nice job on the animal track pictures!
It's starting to warm up a little up here - it's 36 degrees - time to go home from work but I have a meeting for 2 more hours :-(
What very cool animal track photos! Wish we had some snow to capture proof of what's been running around here...this is one very strange winter...but we're going to pay for it down the road, I just know it....
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