Apparently the Stonehaven girls in Clarion's breeding group mistook him for a schoolboy. Since she hadn't seen much "activity" in Clarion's group, Lois went ahead and put a clean-up ram with them yesterday. She said the flirting began immediately, and Valentine was covered several times. Ewes in adjoining paddocks were even swooning over the "new man in town" - so a couple of them got to join in the fun as well!
Here is Baltazar, the ewes' desire and sire of my 2007 lambs.

Lois says his fleece is "to die for" and he's a real gentleman. Baltazar does carry moorit, so I may still get brown babies, but I may also get blacks, which is what I thought I wanted when I first contacted Lois about ewes for sale.
Here is Meg, Baltazar's dam and one of Lois' favorite ewes. Sadly, she died this fall. Hopefully Baltazar and Valentine can do her memory justice with the offspring they produce.

So, we'll be looking for lambs at the end of May at Boulderneigh this year. "Anticipa-a-tion is making me wait"!
That's it for now at . . .
Sorry to hear that Clarion didn't work out...but who knows? Maybe this cross will be even better. We just won't know 'til we get there! :) I separated Skit from Lacey and Amanda and put Colin in with him this weekend. At first, Skit thought he was getting another ewe. Then to his astonishment it was only a wether. He's been p---ed off at me ever since! He even tried to ram the pen gate when I put them in together this evening. Naughty boy! Colin doesn't mind Skit, but would much rather go in with his mom and sister so I had to chase him around to get him in with Skit.
At least I got my exercise for today!
(And I also sent an email to Lois to try to "introduce" myself to her.) :)
Hi Michelle,
I read your blog often and I look forward to seeing your babies.
Hi Kathy,
This will be Baltazar's first lamb crop, so we'll see what he produces. But "good stuff in, good stuff out," right?
Hi Whirling!
Thanks for commenting! Nice to know people besides my friends and family visit. (They are obligated because they love me, right?) :-)
Lois sent me a sample of Baltazar's fleece ~ it is INCREDIBLE! I'm betting you'll get some wonderful lambs....
Today the boys are inseparable so go figure! :) I even took Skittles for a short walk and he was as good as gold! But I could tell that when Colin started baaing for his Buddy, Skit wanted to go back. So, it was a short walk.
I can hardly wait to see what we all get this next spring!
Oh wow, he has really nice horns!
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