Dark grey Jacob fiber? Wheel goes zoom.

I know it was just an ounce, but I think this fiber was just about the fastest, easiest fiber I've ever spun! I got it started on the wheel yesterday, finished the single and plied it on itself today while Brian was with his dad. As fast as that went, I'm tempted to spin something colorful before starting on the white alpaca. The gorgeous roving I got from Psalm 23 Farm is calling to me....
And just in case you think the two subjects of this post are unrelated, here is proof that they ARE related:

That's it for now from . . .

Jackson reminds me of my Happy Dog Rocky the Aussie. I love the smile on Jackson's face, tongue and all. Shelly
I think Jackson wants to learn how to spin!
It is great to have a spinning companion :) Paisley loves to watch the wheel go round and round.
Isn't 'nice' Jacob wool wonderful!!! It is my favorite to spin. I have some really nice batts of Wrangler's fleece that I would love to share with you. Come find me at OFFF. See you Sunday!
In regards to your question - I use marking paint on the rams and I know who has been bred and how dark the color is and can tell if they are rebred. I usually put a different color on the clean up ram, but I only have the one color this year - poor planning on my part :)
Hi Michelle!
I have a Jackson question. He is so pretty. He is an Aussie right? We have allergies in the house and that is why we have shorthaired dogs. Labs, Spaniels, Retrievers REALLY get to me because of their undercoats. Do you know how the different herding dogs are for people with allergies? One better or worse than others? I have to go over to your Dressage blog and see if you have been riding. Fall is my favorite time to ride.
Yes Kara, Jackson is an Aussie (no matter how many think he is a border collie; Aussies are supposed to be blue merle, don't you know?). He really doesn't have much undercoat, but his long hair does shed in the house. Probably no more than the short-haired dogs we've had, just more noticeable because it's longer. Since none of us are allergic to dogs, I can't tell you how he would make you react, and certainly Aussies can vary in type of coat some.
Did you know that there are short=haired border collies? That sounds like it might be a good choice for you, if you want a herding dog without extra hair. Personally, I think a BC would be too intense for us; Jackson is playful, but doesn't have herding drive so is very laid back compared to a "driven" dog.
I've never spun with Jacob. I think I'm going to have keep an eye out for some.
It IS nice to have a fiber arts buddy. I have a few of them depending on what exactly it is that I'm doing.
Knitting is everyone's favorite because it means an available lap in the comfy chair.
To answer your question, I have not spun Nick's hair, or any of the other curly guys but I should. All are full curly except Boo, who is half Oldenburg. I think his sire lives up your way...Presciption at Letter Perfect Farms.
Love your name....I think it is perfect......love the sweater pattern ...is that available somewhere, or was it hatched by someone you know?
I did the search thing "hannah" like you suggested, but didn't get anything.
Love Jackson! We are in the midst of a 4 month old Border Collie...who is actually doing great! He herds the chickens back into their pasture when they come into the yard and is very respectful of one old tough hen who tells him "No" occasionally and pecks his nose! He has been in with the sheep and shows lots of instinct...and respect...so far so good!
Hilary, how strange! I know I've mentioned Hannah's name in posts before; I don't know why nothing comes up in the search. Look here, http://boulderneigh.blogspot.com/2008/08/girls-girls-girls.html, at the bottom, for a photo of the little sweety in the BSJ I made her last year. The pattern for the current "Hannah knit" is from "Knit it!" spring/summer 2007.
Theresa, I'll have to explore your blog more to see those horses of yours! Haven't heard of the Oldenburg, but that's not unusual for me.
My dad has Jackson's twin... his name is Harley. They are seriously identical and Harley is like my dad's shadow.
Aww, Jackson looks sooo happy! Fox likes to sit on my feet while I'm on the computer :o)Whisper is a pain though because she tries to sit on my knee!
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