Monday, September 21, 2009

I can't wait 'til breeding season is OVER!

It's weaning season all over again. Sigh.

With being gone last weekend (post coming) and wanting to make chores as trouble-free for the person doing them, I decided to do another sheep shuffle. That included putting Braveheart (and Browning) in with Braveheart's two "intendeds" for this year, Inky and Brava. Everyone had to stay in the fold in their respective pens over the weekend since the sheep are not about to follow a stranger in and out morning and evening, and I don't like to leave the sheep out all day when no one is around anyway. So this morning the three groups - Dinah and Blackberry, who have been together for awhile now; Bronwen and Bramble, who are not getting bred this fall; and Braveheart, Browning, Inky and Brava - were put out into their separate lots for the first time. Since Braveheart's group is the biggest, I put them into the biggest lot, and put Bramble and Bronwen into what had been Braveheart's and Browning's smaller lot (Dinah and Blackberry went in the same lot they've been occupying during the day).

After checking out the food and water in their new day pen, Bramble went from hereto here.I did NOT think she could still fit through those bars! Soon Bronwen followed, so I had to lock both of them up in the sheep fold. (If they can get OUT of their lot, they can get IN with Blackberry, their brother!)Yes, Bramble is standing in the feeder.They have been yelling their fool heads off ever since. I can't wait until the end of November.

That's it for now at . . .


Shula said...

LOL very true. Mine go into their groups at the end of this month. Hopefully it goes smoothly and I don't get a girl breaking in with the boys this year.

Sharrie said...

My what naughty children you are raising. It just beats me how they can get from place to another when we aren't looking. All my rams were wandering around in the yard on Saturday, and I have one ram lamb who is an escape artist. Very naughty.

MiniKat said...

Sounds like you need a cup of tea, some chocolate, and a big bottle of tylenol or the like. *hugs*

Donna said...


Theresa said...

I would imagine that it's times like these that make AI seem like a wonderful alternative. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Giggle - and I thought it was bad when Emma, my cat, escapes out the door and runs upstairs to another apartment!!!

Nancy in Iowa

Nancy K. said...

I cut pieces of 1X2 welded wire fence and attach it to my gates with bars like that. I use "zip ties" to attach it so that it can be easily removed. Keeps the sheep where they belong. (as long as they don't knock the gates down!) ;-)

Claire MW said...

Oh my! I'm excited about putting our sheep together soon. I haven't quite decided when to do it but I think the middle of end of December. The reason for this in part is because I have my law school exams in early to mid May. I don't want to be trying to study while watching sheep in labor. Way too much excitement for proper study environment!