Yesterday afternoon after errands, Brian stayed in town with his dad and I got to come home alone. I rode Russell, then turned him loose in the arena (the sand is good for his feet). While he hung out with the other equines, I did some work on the fold, then took photos of "da boyz."
Braveheart the Driven
Feckless wether Browning
Mellow fellow Blackberry
I also noticed something out there, in the overgrazed pastures. See it?

How about now? We got some rainfall over Labor Day weekend, and just days later grass is sprouting! Weeds, too, but I'm trying to focus on the positive. Like I positively wish we had enough acreage to rotate pastures and give them a chance to recover....
The light this time of year is positively heavenly (click on the second photo to biggify; even bugs are beautiful in this light!):

I even got some fiber going on the spinning wheel again! Hurray!
Eight years ago this moment I was pregnant with Brian, sitting in front of the TV, wondering what kind of world I was bringing a baby into. Where were you?
That's it for now from . . .
I was looking at a 6 month old and a two year old thinking the exact same thing...
Such a winsome trio!
Hmm, 8 years ago today we were building this house while living with 7 dogs in a 29 foot travel trailer.
No TV but we listened to NPR reporting in horror and shock.
We were living in the city, I was on my way to meet a client (I was a telecommunications consultant.) Turned around and went home, sat on the couch and realized life is too short and things needed to change. Now here I am.
Is it wrong that I want to smooch Blackberry on the nose? What a cutie patootie!
That photo with the bugs looks like rain falling. Very cool. Eight years ago we had just moved into this house and I was so overwhelmed (still am some days) by all the stuff that needed to be done that I cried almost weekly. This house was never one I would have chosen...property yes but the house no. Very bad repair and the previous owner was a heavy smoker so everything had to be stripped away. Huge job and we are still working on bits and pieces of it.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Oh and our youngest daughter was just beginning her senior year in high school.
Why no, Molly; doesn't everyone smooch their sheepies on the nose?
Beautiful portraits of your sheep. Just lovely!
Eight years ago I was probably hanging out on a Sunday morning and my sons were still asleep.
Sort of like now but they're all grown up now and moved on!
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